Chapter 39

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(Roman's POV)
Me and Dean were driving to Cleveland to save our girls but before we got on the road we went to the store and picked up some things so we would be prepared for anything that Kyle has planned for us.

(Riley's POV)
"Why are you doing this to us Kyle?" Alexa cried as we were in a room with no windows eating some food Kyle gave us.

"Because I feel like it."

"Well I think that your a sick person-" Alexa continued until she was cut off by Kyle.

"Don't you think I know that Alexa, Now if you don't shut your mouth I'll give you something to cry about."

"Who the hell do you think-" Kyle slaps Alexa and she holds her face as it begins to turn red.

I looked at Kyle in horror then I jumped up and attacked him then he pushed me on the floor then Alexa got up and slapped Kyle then he looked at her and grabbed her by her neck she was so breathless she couldn't speak I got up and pulled his arm off of her while she laid on the floor gasping for air then he looks at me then he picks me up bridal style while I'm kicking and screaming then he covered my mouth and walked out the room then he puts me down and quickly locks the door,I kicked him in his man hood then he dropped the key I ran and I saw a room and I ran in there and locked the door and pushed somethings so the door would be blocked until I heard banging on the door I hid in the closet and prayed that he wouldn't get that door opened unfortunately he got it opened I don't know how I held my breath so he wouldn't find me and I heard him walking around then I heard his foot steps at the closet and he reached for the door knob he opened the closet and I got on top of him and started attacking him throwing punches non stop then he flipped us over and held my arms over my head then he covered my mouth and picked me up and carried me to the bed he tied ropes around my hands to the bed and my legs then his hands reached in my pants and I whimpered in pain while I tried to fight back but it was no use then he smirk and pulled my pants down.

(Dean's POV)
Me and Roman arrived at an abandoned house and we both decided to check in here then we heard noises upstairs Roman said he'll check for Alexa and I'll check upstairs,I walked farther up the steps and I heard the noises again I saw a room and walked closer and the noises were louder I used my foot and bust the door down I looked at the bed and saw Kyle rapping Riley I ran to Kyle and grabbed him and started attacking him after I was finished I'm pretty sure he's unconscious right now and he looked a mess I have him a black eye and blood was everywhere, I walked to Riley and I saw she was crying and I untied her and I picked her up bridal style and held her close then I took her in the bathroom and got her cleaned up.

(Alexa's POV)
I was in the room me and Riley were first in and I was in a corner crying I heard someone calling my name repeatedly it sounded like my baby Roman!

"Alexa!?" I heard him keep yelling.

"I'm in here Roman!" I yelled back.

"Where?" He yelled again.

"Just follow my voice babe!" I yelled.

I heard foot steps at the door then Roman walked him and picked me up then he spinned me around and kissed me then he put me down and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist then we had a little make out session.

(At Dean and Riley's house
Dean's POV)
"Are you ok?" I asked Riley.

"No I'm not I feel horrible I can't believe Kyle would do that to me." I kissed her head.

"It's ok babe it will get better-" I lifted her head up with my finger so she can look at me.

"I promise." I finished my sentence, She smiled and she grabbed my neck and kissed me then I rolled on top of her with my arms holding my balance so I wouldn't crush her.


"Riley." She blushed when I said her name.

"Dean I want you to make love to me..."

"What?" I asked confused.

"You heard me Dean I'm serious it's bad enough that Kyle rapped me I need to feel safe and you making love to me would make me feel safe and I wouldn't be scared to be around other guys without thinking that they might rape me."

I thought about what she said then I looked at her for a moment.

"Babe no one is NEVER EVER gonna rape you again EVER because I'll be here for you plus you know how I'm am I will fucking kill them if they lay a hand or you or even if they check you out because you're mines forever and you know I will always protect what's mines and I can't wait until the day comes when we both say I Do." Then I grave her a cheeky smile.

Yay guys Alexa and Riley are back!!!
To bad Riley got raped :(
I was sad when I wrote that part to be honest anyway at least their safe and back in both of their men arms safe :)
Find out what happens next In Torn!


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