Chapter 10

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(Tuesday Smackdown Tapings/Riley's POV)

I was siting in my locker room wearing my outfit that I had on when I got
here(The picture above) then Changed into my ring gear/attire then I got up and left my locker room then I met up with Paige and Alicia before my match.

"Hey English Muffin." Paige Said.

"Hey Pumpkin." Alicia Added.

"Hey Girlies."

"What's up?" Alicia asked.

"Nothing I just came to see my girls before I go out to my match."

"That's cool English muffin,But I have to go I'll text you later ok?" Paige said.

"Ok Pumpkin see ya." I said back and waved to Paige.

"So uh Foxy I was Wondering would you wanna go on a double
You,Dolph,Dean and I ?" I said to Alicia.

"Sure we can go out to go kart riding around 5 Pm today?" She responded.

"Yeah well I'm looking forward to it Foxy."

"Me to Rileys."

Then we looked at the tv and it said my match was next.

"Oh man it looks like my match is next,Foxy I'll text you later when we arrive to the go kart riding place."
I said then waved to her then walked down to the gorilla.

I started stretching,Push ups and sit ups before I go out to the ring then when I got finished someone put their hands on my eyes.

"Ahhhh." I screamed then I elbowed the person in the gut.

"Ow! Riley damn." Dean said and removed his hands from my eyes.

"Aw I'm sorry Deany I didn't know it was you."

"That's the whole point Princess." he said then smirked.

"Shut up." I said then smiled and finished stretching,Then I hop onto the crate and sat there.

"You know your ring attire looks sexy right Riley?"

"Well that's the whole point Deany." I said then smirked.

"Well then let me show you how sexy you look in that outfit." he said coming closer,I quickly pushed him away.

"Not now Deany we're at work and plus I'm not ready yet..."

"It's ok Princess I'll wait,But I can't wait for long." he said then smirked.
I rolled my eyes then hoped off the crate and hugged him then pecked his lips,Then I heard my theme song go off,I smiled at Deany then we walked threw the curtain onto the stage then we walked down the ramp and got into the ring and waited for Vickie and the beach boy to come out.

(Skip the match)

I was setting Vickie up for the Dirty Deeds then when I hit the dirty deeds I pinned her...





"Here's your winner Riley!"
Eden Said into the mic.

Dean came in and hugged me from behind then held the rope open for me to get out then he helped me walk up the ramp and to backstage,Then I went to my locker room changed into the outfit I had on from earlier then got my things as he got his from his locker room,Then we both met outside the arena when we was a lot of Fans asking for autographs and photos then we quickly got to where his rental car was then we put our things into the trunk and got inside the car then drove to the go kart riding place.

Torn |D.A| { Completed }Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang