Chapter 7

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(Later that Day
Paige's POV)
Me and Alicia we're playing Tag in the hotel I know we're weird but it's fun to us...We were having so much until someone knocked on the door,Alicia ran to the door to answer it.

(Alicia's POV)
"Who is it?" I asked that was knocking on the door...

"It's Riley can I come in?"

"Wait a sec Ri."
(That's a nickname Alicia gave to her),then I unlocked the door and let Riley in.

(Paige's POV)
I walked into the Living Room and saw Riley there.

"Hey my English muffin."
I said and say down in the couch next to them.

"Hey." Riley said kinda sad.

"What's the matter Ri?" Alicia Asked.

(Riley POV)
"It's a long story Guys." I said to them.

"We got time Ri." Alicia said.

"Yeah let's hear it English muffin." Paige added.

I told them what happened Between Dean and Roman and their Jaws dropped.

"Wow Ri..." Alicia said.

"I'm so sorry English muffin." Paige said.

"It's ok girls...Really,It's just I needed a place to stay for a while and some girls to talk to instead of being around Seth,Dean and roman all the time that's if I will forgive Roman But I'll be around Seth and Dean,Mosty Dean."

"Oh Ri that's totally
fine with us." Alicia said.
Then she winked at me I'm guessing because I said I'll mostly be around Dean I chuckled.

"well you can hang out with us,travel together and room together and also have sleepovers it's gonna be fun." Paige added.

"And what about when we go to hotels to sleep what's the arrangements?" I asked them.

"Well you can certainly stay with us English muffin,We'll just have to get separate bedrooms and we'll share the bathroom." Paige said,Which pretty much answered my question.

"That's totally find with me that's for understanding and having my back girls this is gonna be so fun!" I said they we all shared a big group hug.
Things were looking great
for me for now...

(Later on that Night Still Riley's POV)
I was sitting on the couch watching tv I didn't have a bed so I just laid on the couch until I became sleepy then I realized that I haven't Called Dean when I got here let me call him now and tell him I'm about to go to bed so I picked up my phone and dial the number.

Dean:Hello? Dean said in a sleepy voice which is cute to me.

Riley:Hi Deany were you sleep?

Dean:I was until you called what's wrong Princess I got worried when you didn't call me.

Riley:I lost track of time and forgot to call you and yes I'm ok but I was calling you now to tell you that I'm going to bed myself after I get off the phone with you.

Dean:Well thanks for calling Princess have a good night sleep and I miss you and I'll see you when you get to the arena tomorrow?

Riley:I miss you to and you sure will see me Lunatic.
Then we both chucked together.
Riley:Well I'll see you tomorrow Deany Nighty Night.


We both hung up the phone and I put my phone on the coffee table and shortly after I fell asleep on the couch.

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