Chapter 26

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(Riley's POV)
Me and Dean just arrived in Paris and we were laying in our bed at the hotel he booked us,I got up and walked to the bouncy and stared at the sky.

Dean came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey Princess."

"Hi Deany."

"So today I was thinking we can go on a date ontop of the Eiffel Tower."

"Hmm that sounds nice."
He started kissing my shoulder.

"So I'm go out into the living room and give you space to get dressed so we can go."

"Ok love you."

"Love you to." He let go of my waist and left out the room.


(At the Eiffel Tower
Riley's POV)

"Are we there yet Deany?" I asked him.

He had my eyes blind folded and he was directing me somewhere ontop of the tower I felt me bumped into something I felt it to see what it was.

"Dean what is this I'm touching?"

"That's the chair Princess...sit in it."

I slowly sat down in the chair and Dean finally untied the blind folds from my eyes.

"Oh my god Dean...Did you do this for me?" I asked him as I looked around and saw the most beautiful view.

"Only you baby." he said and pecked my lips and sat across from me,A butler came out with a big plate of spaghetti and sat it on our table then a violin started playing.


After we finished our dinner Dean stood up and took my hand as we started dancing to the person that was playing the violin.

"I love you." Dean whispered.

"I love you to."

"This is perfect." He said as he held his hands around my waist a little tighter.

"What is?" I asked.

"Me here with you and you coming into my life."

"That's sweet Dean."

"I wasn't done." he said as we pulled apart and he looked into my eyes.

"Sorry." I said quietly.

He laughed and smiled.

"It's ok babe...Anyway I wanted you to know that I want spend the rest of my life with you and that I love you more then anything and I will always protect you and I won't hurt you."

I gasped as he got on one knee.

"Riley Anoa'i...Will you marry me?" He said then smiled a little,I started tearing up and smiling.

"Yes Dean...Yes I will marry you." I told him as his smile grew bigger as he stood up and pick me up and spun me around then he put me down as we stared in each other's eyes.

"I love you Riley." He wiped my tears that was pouring down my face and messing up my mascara but I didn't care.

"I love you to Dean." We both smiled at each other.


Oh My Gosh Guys Riley And Dean Are Getting Married Yay! But What Will Roman And Her Parents Say...Well Find Out In The Next Chapter Of Torn See You Guys.✌️


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