Chapter 21

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It's been seven godforsaken hours since the first shots of the revolution had been fired, five since the volunteer went out to gather information. Of course, you offered to go as well, but Enjolras had full faith in the man. He said he might return any minute and that you'd be needed if something happened. He argued that you might get killed if a member of the national guard were to see you.
"We can't afford to lose you," he told you with his hand gently placed on your shoulder and a genuine smile plastered on his angelic face as his beautiful blue eyes bore into yours...  Pull yourself together, there are more pressing matters at hand!

The sky had already turned dark and you were all starting to become tired, but you couldn't let your guard down, not for one second. Nobody knew when the National Guard would attack and if they caught you in a moment of carelessness, it would cost all of you dearly.

Finally, the man returned. He quickly climbed over the barricade, eager to share the acquired intel. That was the first time you caught a glimpse of his face and you could swear your eyes were about to fall out of their sockets. What was Javert doing here? 
For as long as you've known the man, he has been nothing but a law-abiding, authoritarian jerk. There was no way he suddenly decided to switch sides. You frantically looked around for Éponine as Javert told everyone the alleged intel. 

"They don't plan on attacking tonight." he said, "They want to starve you out and weaken you before they start a proper fight." 
Some of the others lowered their guns, relieved by what they were told. You exchanged worried glances with Éponine. There was no way something wasn't wrong here and you wanted to voice your concerns, but just when you were about to say something, a high voice yelled out "Liar!" 

Everybody turned to look at Gavroche who was staring right at Javert. "It's been a while, hasn't it Inspector?"
"Inspector?", Bahorel repeated in disbelieve.
"Yes my friends. Haven't you met him before? Good old Inspector Javert. I wouldn't trust him if my life depended on it because he's a nasty lying piece of-"

Before Gavroche could finish, Javert started running, but he didn't get very far. It was 200 of you against him, he didn't stand a chance. Courfeyrac and Joly held him by the arms, preventing him from escaping, while you and several others pointed your guns at his head.

"What are we going to do with this spy?" asked Jehan. Enjolras scrutinized Javert. "Throw him into the tavern for now. We will decide about his fate later. There are more important things to focus on now."

Courf and Joly led him to the tavern. "If you're going to shoot me," he yelled "do it now! It won't make much of a difference! Immoral bastards!"
He waited for you to lower your guns before he made his move; he pushed the two men off of him. Grantaire tried to grab him but was pushed against a wall. You tried but were punched in the face. After some struggle, Enjolras overpowered him and knocked him out with a baton. Feuilly and Bossuet tied him up and you left the tavern.

"You've got a keen eye, Gravroche." Courf praised as he ruffled the boy's hair.
Éponine approached you, a slightly amused smile on her face "Careful," she warned, "your hat nearly fell off."
Your hands shot up, hastily adjusting your cap, further hiding your hair in an attempt to keep up your boyish appearance while Éponine laughed. 

The sound of marching echoed through the streets, gradually becoming louder. Each of you grabbed a gun and got into position as you watched the army approach the barricade; at the forefront of it all stood your father. "Who goes there?"

Enjolras replied in a haughty and vibrating tone, "French revolution!"


Gunfire resounded and the wood of the barricade splintered as it was pierced by the bullets. The National Guard charged at you with bayonets and, although some didn't make it very far before being gunned down, a fair amount managed to get too close for comfort.
You shot one of the men trying to climb over the barricade. He looked you straight in the eyes before toppling over and dying. You swallowed hard and your hands were shaking, but you had to keep fighting on.

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