Chapter 8

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As time went on, so did the planning. The speeches were no longer only held in the Musain, but also publicly. While Enjolras, 'Ferre and Courf would work on simplifying their speeches in order to make their ideals more comprehensible, Feuilly and Bahorel were put in charge of planning the times and locations and made sure as many people as possible showed up, though these orations were often cut short by the national guard. 

While a revolution was initially nothing more than a distant fantasy, it was slowly becoming a reality. Instead of just theoretical ideas, now there were actual plans for what you would do. 

Your movement garnered more and more attention and so one day in late December, Combeferre and Enjolras were proud to announce that you were receiving public and financial support from General Jean Maximilien Lamarque. 
You actually once met Lamarque when you were 12, but it was only briefly because you and Éponine accidentally barged into a meeting that was held at your house. 

With this endorsement came certain benefits; once, after one of the public meetings was disbanded by none other than Javert, Courfeyrac managed to get himself arrested. You all thought this was the last time you'd ever see him again, but after just two hours he was released without charge. 
That evening, your father complained to you that "Lamarque set some imbécil rebel free. This young man is a traitor to his fatherland and deserves to spend time behind bars." You, of course, had to pretend that you didn't know what happened because you 'spent all day with Éponine'. 

On the 23rd, before you left, Feuilly approached you. "We are going to have a small fête de Noël tomorrow evening. You can bring the girl you were talking about if you want to." he said with a wink. 

The next day, you and your father went to pick up Éponine, Azelma and Gavroche to go to church. Every year on the 24th, you'd attend church together to listen to the Christmas sermon. You didn't find them particularly interesting, but it was an opportunity to spend some nice and peaceful moments with your loved ones, so you didn't complain.
In the church, your father sat next to Monsieur Gillenormand, who was sitting next to Marius. 
"I thought they were estranged?" you whispered to Éponine. She shrugged and said, "Maybe they're trying to keep up appearances?" 

Eventually, the priest began the sermon. He told the story of the virgin Mary and baby Jesus and went off from there. He talked about togetherness and forgiveness, love and redemption, selflessness and giving. There was a loud snort, you turned to look at the source of the noise, but because everyone else was doing the same, you couldn't see them. 

Two hours later, the sermon finished and everyone went to catch up with the people they only ever see once a year. A man and presumably his daughter went to talk to the priest, though you noticed them leave when your father called out to Javert. 

You were talking to your friends, when Gavroche pushed his way through you and ran off, yelling something. Moments later, Marius came up to you and said, "Éponine, (Y/N), Azelma, this is my good friend and roommate Jacques." 
You looked to where he was pointing, just to see Courfeyrac spinning around Gavroche, laughing. He put the boy down, walked over to the three of you and formally introduced himself. You were praying he didn't recognize you. 

Your father scowled at him. When you left, he said, "I want you children to stay away from this man. He's dangerous and was recently arrested." Éponine clasped her hands over Gavroche's mouth before he could retaliate. 

In the evening, you took Éponine to the Musain for the first time. Azelma stayed at home because Monsieur needed her to run an errand for him. Inside the Café, you saw most of your friends in the company of women. Joly and Bossuet were tripping over themselves to impress Musichetta. Combeferre was sitting together with his wife Madeleine (you remember him bringing her up once), a small bump on her stomach noticeable. Courfeyrac and Bahorel were flirting with a group of women and Feuilly had an arm wrapped around a young lady. 

"This is Éponine, my friend." you glared at Marius. "Just friend. Nothing more." 
Jehan almost immediately introduced himself to her. 
"What about the bourgeoisie lass from earlier?" laughed Courfeyrac. Éponine snapped back at him, and you decided to back away from the conversation. 

You sat down next to Enjolras and Grantaire, who were the only ones who weren't accompanied by women, although you noticed Enjolras staring at Éponine. You thought nothing of it and started talking to Grantaire while Enjolras was working on what you assumed to be another speech. 
Ever so often, you noticed him look up and intently stare at Éponine. It seemed that Grantaire took note of this as well, as his smile looked forced after some time. 

Eventually, Enjolras turned to you. "Moulin, how well do you know Éponine?" he asked. 
"Well enough, I suppose; why?" 
"Could you ask her if..." he paused for a moment, then shook his head. "Never mind." 
"No, please, tell me." you insisted. 
"It doesn't matter; I'm sorry for bothering you about it." 
"Aw," pestered Grantaire, "is our Julien in love?" resulting in a groan from Enjolras

Julien?  Suddenly it clicked. How didn't you realize before? The similarities were so obvious; the way he talked, the passion in his voice, his blond locks, his beautiful blue eyes-  Wait, what? It dawned on you that he probably recognized Éponine, but what did he want from her? 

Your thoughts were interrupted when Gavroche entered the room, two young boys in tow. He cleared his throat and loudly announced, "These are my boys, Lyam and Théo!" When asked where he met them, he said he found them on the streets. They followed him around wherever he went, like two ducklings. It was so adorable!

At around midnight, you and Éponine decided to leave (Courf promised he would look after the boys for the night). Before you did, however, Enjolras went up to her and opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it again and left. This was the first time you'd seen him speechless.

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