Chapter 13

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Progress has been rather slow as of late. While General Lamarque was more than willing to provide you with guns and ammunition, there still was no concrete plan on what exactly should happen. Planning began before you joined the meetings five months ago and there was a basic concept of what would happen; with the support of the people of Paris, you would protest against the government and demand that things change and not relent until they did, even if things got ugly. When it came to the details, however, it got complicated, as no matter what ideas any of you came up with, they had too many flaws to them, and they couldn't be executed successfully. 

Aside from that, the public gatherings were disbanded quicker each time and there was little you could do about it. When word got out about an assembly, the national guard eventually found out, and the fliers only ever made their job easier.
You made your way to the Musain, trying to think of a solution when you noticed a wanted poster on a wall. An idea popped into your mind, and you hurried to the café. 

"My friends!" you exclaimed, "I have an acquaintance who might be able to help us out, though it would cost us. He is a well-known criminal and I might be able to convince him to cause a stir, parallel to when a gathering takes place in order to avert the police's attention."  

"What would it cost?" asked Bossuet. 
"Money." you said. 
"We barely have money to spend on our cause, and you want us to waste it on a criminal who might decide to backtrack on his promise?"  Combeferre questioned. 

You were about to respond, but Gavroche interrupted you. "Don't you worry about that." he said. "I have money." He pulled out a stack of banknotes. You took them from him and started counting.
"Gavroche, this must be... a thousand francs! Where did you get this amount of money?" you asked.
"From Montparnasse." he retorted.
"And where does Montparnasse have it from?" 
"Stole it from an old man." 
"Of course he did. Well, we can't possibly give him this much money." You thought for a moment. "If I gave a third of this to Montparnasse and the rest to you," you turned to Courf and Ferre "could you make better use of it?" They nodded, and you gave them the 700 francs. 

"What about a finder's fee?" Gavroche asked. 
"Oh yeah? What amount would you see fit?", Courf inquired. 
"At least half. It's only fair." 
"I'll tell you what; I'll give you..." he took one of the banknotes from the stack "100 francs if you can take them from me." He then proceeded to hold his arm over the small boy's head and laughed as he tried and failed to reach the money. 

Enjolras approached you to ask you about the proceedings of your plan and how you came up with it. You hadn't been talking for long when you felt Gavroche bump against you, making you lose your balance and fall forward. You shut your eyes and expected to hit the floor, but you didn't; instead, when you opened your eyes, you recognized that Enjolras had caught you. 

Suddenly you became hyper-aware of the situation; he was holding you by your shoulders with his large hands; you were so close to him that he could most likely feel your breath against his neck; one of your hands was holding onto his shirt, while the other pressed against his bare chest... Wait a minute, why was his chest bare?
Then you realized: you tore his shirt. 

You immediately let go of him and started frantically apologizing. 
"It's alright.", he assured you. 
"No, it's not!" you insisted. "I can fix this. Just give me a minute; I'll be right back." 

You rushed downstairs and asked Musichetta for some sewing supplies, which she quickly handed you, and judging from her facial expression, she must've thought someone got injured and needed stitches. 

You went back to the meeting room. "I, uh, I would need you to give me the shirt..." 
After hesitating for a moment, he pulled his shirt over his head and handed it to you, and you could feel all the blood from your body rush to your cheeks. And it was not just you; out of the corner of your eye, you could see Grantaire stare at the other man's chest, mouth agape. 

You tore your eyes away from Enjolras' body and began mending the tear, all the while trying your hardest not to look at his lean torso. A Greek god indeed. You were done after just a few minutes, and while the result wasn't perfect, it was at least acceptable. 

"Where did you learn how to do this?", Enjolras asked after he put his shirt back on, much to your and Grantaire's dismay. 
"At school." 

"But they don't teach this at school.", Joly said. 
You shook your head. "Right, right. What I meant was, my friend learned it at school and she taught me how to do it."
"Which friend?", asked Marius. 
"It doesn't really matter, does it?" 
"Of course not. I'm just wondering because the only friend you ever brought up is Éponine. Speaking of, how did you and Éponine even meet? She never mentioned you before you brought her here on Christmas." 

This was it, you were sure. This was the moment your secret would be exposed and you would be kicked out and Enjolras would never want anything to do with you again. You started stammering and stuttering. Bahorel came up to you and put an arm around your shoulder. "Calm down.", he said "He's just messing with you." 

You awkwardly plopped onto a chair and rested your head on the table. Grantaire sat down next to you and poured the two of you some wine. 

"Quite the view, huh?" 
"You can say that again." You took a sip. "I mean, how can one man be so perfect?" 
"He is Apollo, after all." 

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