Chapter 6

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You had no time to process that dream before nausea kicked in. The rays of sunshine coming in through the curtains made you feel like you were staring directly into the sun, which only fueled your pounding headache. You sat up in your bed and felt like you were going to die. It took you a minute to adjust, until you felt you were okay enough to be able to stand. 

Oh, how wrong you were. 

You nearly collapsed when you stood up and did your best to not throw up. You had to hold onto your bedpost in order not to fall over. Once you decided you were stable enough to stand on your own, you slowly made your way to the bathroom, but that was yet another odyssey filled with pain. Every small sound, be it the creaking of the doors, the sound of your footsteps or the faint sound of talking in a different part of the house, made you feel like your head was exploding. The worst sound of all, though, came from inside the bathroom, when you turned on the faucet to fill up the bathtub. 

After minutes of torturous noise, you slipped into the water. You let your mind wander to your dream and made a mental note to research the Gods to refresh your memory when you went to the library later. 

Speaking of library, you dreaded seeing Les Amis again. You weren't exactly sure why, but you felt a lot of shame and guilt at the thought of talking to them after the events of last night.

Speaking of last night, you still needed to wash the smell of last night's sins from your body before being able to face your father. 

Speaking of sins, you made another mental note to never accept a wine refill offer from Grantaire ever again. 

You finished bathing, dried yourself off and put on some clean clothes. You were still suffering from bottle-ache, but due to your father's... habit,  you knew just what to do about it.
Ever since you were little you had always seen him drink fernet after a night at the inn. He used to tell you that it was "adult-medicine". 
You quickly found the bottle and took a swig, hoping it would kick in quickly enough for you to be able to have a conversation without feeling like you're dying. 

Your headache didn't get better, even 30 minutes after drinking the cure and you decided you couldn't just spend the entire rest of the day sitting on the bathroom floor, so you decided to just take your bag and go out. 
Before you could leave the house, however, your father stopped you. 

"Where are you going?", he asked loudly, sending a sharp pain through your head. 
"I'm going to meet up with Éponine." you answered, though it almost sounded like a question. You went to meet with her every day for the last seven years, so why was he asking now? 

"And after that?" he further inquired. 
"I'll... be with Éponine?" you said. 
"You weren't with Éponine yesterday." he stated, his face expressing a mixture of worry and anger. 

You fell silent. What should you say? You couldn't tell him about the library, you couldn't tell him about the Musain and you most definitely couldn't tell him about Les Amis de L'ABC, but you also couldn't come up with an explanation that wouldn't incriminate you or them. You took a deep breath. 

"Well," you started, "I was on my way home, when I came across Marius, we started talking and lost track of time. He offered to walk me home, but I refused and, well..." he understood what you were hinting at. 
"The Pontmercy boy? Did he give you alcohol? The next time I see him I'll-" 

"No!" you interrupted him "He didn't. He was with some friends and they drank together. I guess the smell must have rubbed off on me." 
Luckily for you, he seemed to, at least for the most part, believe you. Unluckily for you, he didn't leave it at that. 
He rose from where he was sitting, enraged. "You were alone with a group of men?!", becoming louder with each word. Your ears felt like they were bleeding. "Did they hurt you? If they did, then god be my witness, I will-" 
You interrupted him again. "Papa! It's okay. They didn't do anything. No need to worry." 

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