Chapter 15

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"Barricades!" Courfeyrac repeated, "Think about it; they'd be blocking the paths of the national guard and act as barriers to protect us from their attacks." 
"And how do you reckon we build these barricades?" Combeferre asked. 
"We'll ask the people to throw their furniture." 
"And what makes you think they'll comply?" 
"A few chairs are a small price to pay in exchange for freedom. Enjolras, what do you think?"

Enjolras considered it for a moment. "This might be just what we needed. We will address it during the next gathering, provided we can hold it." He turned to you.
"Yes. I talked to my acquaintance, and he agreed to help us out. It wasn't cheap, however."
"How much did he want?"
"100 francs." 

"That's a lot of money! What if he ends up breaking his word?", Feuilly asked. 
"Don't worry," you assured him. "I know for a fact he won't." That was true because if he did, Éponine would confront him about it, and it would not end well for him. 

The meeting went about as per usual. You waited for Enjolras to be alone before you approached him. You pulled the chemise out of your bag and handed it to him. "I'm sorry about yesterday. What happened was moronic on my behalf, and I want to make up for it." 
He smiled at you. "As I said, it's alright. This really wasn't necessary." 
"Please." you begged. "I insist." 

His smile quickly turned into a frown, however. "Isn't that sweet?" Grantaire exclaimed. 
"Grantaire, put that bottle down!" Enjolras demanded as he pointed at the flask the other was about to open. 
"Why should I?" 
"This is your fourth bottle of the night." Enjolras took the wine from Grantaire. 
"Killjoy." he muttered. 

You stood near the makeshift stage in the town square, hoping Montparnasse would fulfill his end of the bargain. So far, everything was going great; more people than ever before showed up, and no police in sight. Enj, Ferre and Courf were passionately sharing the new plans and ideas for the revolution; all the while, you recognized that Enjolras was wearing the shirt you gave him. 
Suddenly you felt someone pull you away from the crowd; you were about to fight back when you realized it was Azelma. 

"Éponine was arrested!" 

She quickly led you to where the incident occurred and frantically explained what had happened. 
It took you a moment to register you were being followed. 
"Bahorel, what are you doing?" 
"You looked troubled. I wanted to ensure nothing happened to you, especially considering you're a bad fighter." 
When you arrived at the scene, Montparnasse and Éponine were still in the process of being taken captive by Javert, of all people, and it took no more than a glance at the cockades on your jackets for him to decide to arrest you and Bahorel as well. 

You were all placed in a jail cell together, and Javert went on a tangent on how the four of you were dirty criminal scum. The other three were already plotting their escape, but you just sunk your head in shame; it would be no time, and your father would find out. He would be furious and probably plan to send you away and marry you off to some man who would make sure you'd never set foot in Paris ever again; then you'd never see any of your friends again and- 

You heard footsteps approaching and began trembling with anxiety. 
"These street urchins were caught stealing." Javert explained as he presented Éponine's red dress and a bunch of portemonnaies he confiscated. 
"What about them?" someone else voice said. 
"They are traitors to their country!" 
"Unhand them." the other man demanded. 
"This is an order, Javert." 

The cell door opened, and you and Bahorel were led outside. Montparnasse tried to make a run for it, but was quickly shoved back inside, and the cell was locked again. Javert, who for the first time now got a better look at your face, stopped you and said, "You look familiar." However, he didn't have time to interrogate you, as the other man led the two of you outside. 

"My apologies. He can be like that sometimes." the man explained. "My name is Jean Maximilien Lamarque, and as it appears, you are avid supporters of the revolution." he gestured to the cockades on your coats. You nodded. "May I ask your names?" 
"Jean Bahorel." he shook the general's hand. 
"(M/N) Moulin." 
"(M/N) Moulin? Is there, by chance, a relation to Pierre Moulin?" he asked, but you denied it. 

After a few more minutes of chitchat, he sent you off. "Monsieur Bahorel, Monsieur Moulin, it was a pleasure, but I best be on my way now. Be more cautious next time." And with that, he left. 

You and Bahorel looked at each other perplexed; not only did you just meet general Lamarque himself, but he also essentially saved your lives by bailing you out of jail. One problem remained, though. 

When you got home later that day, your father was angry. "(Y/N)!" he called. "I have terrible news for you; your friend Éponine is in jail! I tried to bargain with Javert to release her. He told me that two prisoners had been set free by Lamarque already! Two of those 'révolutionnaires'! Can you believe it? The freedom of two traitors has been prioritized over that of a young girl!" 
You felt guilt wash over you. "How long will she be held for?" 
He sighed and poured himself some champagne. "I'm not sure. Three weeks, a month, even?" 

You were about to head to your room, but your father stopped you. "I think you're old enough now." he said. "Why don't you sit down with me for a while?" You looked at him puzzled until he got another glass and filled it with the alcoholic beverage. 
"Papa!" you exclaimed. 

"You're 17 now, you're nearly all grown up, and there are many things you want to do on your own or with god knows who, but I just want your first time drinking to be with your old man." You felt incredibly remorseful but nevertheless sat down with your father. You clicked glasses. 
"Chinchin, ma fifille." 

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