Chapter 10

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The morning after the second Marius incident, as Combeferre called it, a distressed Éponine barged into your room and shook you awake. "(Y/N), please, I need your advice!" she said. 
"Good morning to you too." you said as you yawned and stretched. "How did you get in here?" 
"Monsieur let me in." she responded. "But that's beside the point. I need your help. You remember the girl from yesterday? Marius asked me to find out where she lives." 
"We couldn't even find out her name." you argued. "Besides, why would you do his dirty work for him? He has no regard for your feelings." 

Éponine sighed. "I know, but maybe if I help him, he'll-" 
"Éponine, please don't do this to yourself. He doesn't deserve you. There are better men out there. Jehan, for example. He seems to fancy you quite a lot." 
She sighed. "I just want to help him, but... I don't know..." 

It was quiet for a moment. You decided that the best thing ,for now, would be to change the topic. "Do you want to stay for breakfast?" 
"Yes, please." Éponine laughed. 
"Alright. Now get out of my room. I need to change." 

For the rest of the day, Éponine seemed like her usual self, except for the fact that she would frequently sigh and that whenever she smiled, it seemed very strained and forced. 
 When you saw Marius kissing the handkerchief in the Musain, you felt the urge to rip it out of his hands and set it on fire. It seemed as though you weren't the only one thinking about it since his behavior earned him glares from Courf, Bahorel, 'Ferre and especially Enjolras. 

Eventually, Jehan approached you with a hopeful expression and asked, "Say, have you, by any chance, talked to Éponine?" 
You knew this was coming and tried to come up with something to say all day. You couldn't lie to him, but you also couldn't tell him the truth. "Well," you said, "she told me needs to sort out some things in her personal life before she involves herself in a... love affair." 
His face fell, but he was understanding, and left it at that. 

"My friends!" Enjolras exclaimed proudly, "We managed to convince more people for our cause! If our number of supporters increases, there is no doubt they will stand behind us once the time of revolution comes! If we get more people to express their unhappiness with France's current situation, something will have to change; the king will not be able to ignore us; the royal guard cannot arrest us all!" 
At some point during his speech, you stopped listening. You weren't sure what exactly got you distracted, but you eventually realized that you had been staring at your leader. Could you blame you? With his silk-like blond hair, beautiful sky-blue eyes and clean-shaven face, he resembled a Greek god... 

What were you thinking? 

You have been attending meetings for months now and didn't talk to him as often as the others. You hadn't seen him for seven years before that. Maybe you just missed him and wanted to catch up. Yeah, that must've been it! 

After his speech concluded, you built up the courage to approach him. You talked around the fact that you weren't listening to him, then you asked, "How come you are never at the library with the others?" 
"My studies and the revolution are keeping me busy. When I'm not at université, I'm either writing or holding speeches." He chuckled. "What about you? Do you plan on studying?" 
"I..." you paused for a moment, "I wish I could. It's just... never been an option for me." 

Enjolras gave you an empathetic smile, which made your chest tighten. 
"Anyways." you said "What exactly are you studying, if I may ask?" 
His eyes lit up and he started telling you about how he wanted to study law since he was twelve to become a lawyer, hoping to one day change the world for the better. 
You adored his enthusiasm and optimism, and the way he talked was just so captivating. While he spoke, you occasionally caught yourself glimpsing at his lips and felt your face heat up. 

What's gotten into you lately? 

The conversation ended when Combeferre asked Enjolras for his opinion on something. The second he left, you felt sort of sad. Empty. 
You went about your night as per usual but still couldn't shake the feeling, not even after several glasses of wine. 

Despite the alcohol in your system, you spent your entire walk home thinking and trying to make sense of your feelings. How could a man be so perfect? Why were you thinking about the fact that he was perfect? Why were you thinking about his lips and his big, strong hands? 

It wasn't until you were lying in bed that you realized; You had caught feelings for Enjolras. Suddenly a lot of things started making sense: why you were so nervous around him, why he impressed you so much, why you kept thinking about him.

You owed Éponine an apology.

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