Chapter 7

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Abubakar's POV

After telling her some stuffs about the house, I left her in the room to change.

I mean even if she's my wife we aren't familiar with each other. And just like I don't want anyone poking their nose in my business and invading my privacy, I also don't like doing so.

I hope this doesn't turn into something else.

I asked my personal assistant to check her ex fiance up, and send me what he is able to find out this night.

Leaving the room, I went straight to my study room to check if he have email me the information.

I checked my phone as I waited for the system to boot up.

Mariya has still not replied even though she's seen it. I know I told her not to contact me again but I can't help it, I want to hear from her. I can't just remove her from my heart at once.

It will definitely take time. Ya Allah.

I looked up from my phone to see my PC already on. I went straight to check my email.

Turns out he have sent it already. I opened it and I was surprised.

I know this man, Malik Alkali. I worked with him before but I didn't like him one bit.

So he is her ex huh??

Well, that's all I need to know. The rest is known of my business.

With that, I shutdown my system and left the study room not without switching off the lights.

I went back to the master suite and decided to sit in the sitting room in order not to enter the room and see her dressing up.

I have been in this sitting room for about 30 minutes, I think she should be done by now. Right?

I knocked on the door but there's no reply. Maybe she slept off.

I entered the room and heard some sobbing sounds from the bathroom. Oh she's crying.

Not knowing what to do, I quietly left the room so it won't be awkward when she comes out.

I was almost sleeping when I heard her opening the bedroom door.

"I'm done bathing. Sorry for keeping you waiting. You can come and change if you want. I'm going downstairs to look for the kitchen because I'm kind off famished." She said looking down.

"Okay. It's by the left immediately you go down the stairs." I told her.

"Thanks, do you want some?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah." I said because I haven't eaten since lunch.

I went to room, straight to the closet  to get my pyjamas. From there, I went to the bathroom to shower and change.

It took me about 30 mins and when I went back to the room I was greeted by the aroma of noodles. God I'm so hungry.

"Come let's eat, the food is in the sitting room." She said and left the room.

"Okay, thanks."

We went to the sitting room and the food was on the center table. We sat down and she opened the food flask.

There's noodles and fresh orange juice there.

" I didn't know what you will want. So I decided to cook this because it is easy and I am tired." She explained.

" I don't mind," I told her.

She took out plate and served me, then she served her self.

Without another word, we started to eat.

Ohh it's so .... What's the word now. Amazing, delicious. OMG it's just noodles but it tasted different. Cooking skills- check.

Okay she's not that bad.

"It's so delicious. Thank you." I complimented her food.

"Thanks and you're welcome." She smiled.

This is the first time she's smile sincerely, since I picked her up from her parent's house.

We finished eating and went to the bedroom to sleep. Now the sleeping arrangements.

"You can take the bed and I'll take the couch or look for blankets to sleep on the floor." I suggested.

"Hey, no please . I'll not be comfortable with your sleeping on the floor in your own house. So you can take the bed." She said.

"What about you?"

"I'll sleep on the couch or floor." She said

"Nope, I won't allow that. Just take the bed."

"Then you'll have to sleep on the bed too."

"Okay" I said.

We went to bed and immediately my head touched the pillow, I dozed off.


I woke up at 5 to pray but Madina was not on the bed. Maybe she woke up before me. Just then, I saw her coming out of the bathroom.

"Sorry, did I keep you waiting?" She asked.

"Uhh no, I just woke up. Lemme perform my ablution so we could pray together. Just wait for me. I'll be out in a second." I told her, to which she replied with a tiny 'okay'.

She's religious too. That's great.

That's chapter 7 people.
Thank you so much Afiruwa66  for the sweet comment.
I love y'all.
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