Chapter 3

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Madina's POV

"What is your problem, gentlemen?" Maimunah, my sister asked.

Adda Maimunah is the eldest of us all and we respect her a lot.

She hates it when people talks loudly plus her child is sleeping. The girl can be a handful some time so she likes it when she sleeps. At least she gets to sleep.

"Adda Maimunah, what did we just hear. That bastard has the guts to cancel the wedding? He can't be serious." Abdulwahab ranted looking angry and frustrated.

It is rare to see him this way. This just makes it clear that he is really angry.

"That's why I didn't like him from the beginning." Abdulmajid, his twin brother said.

They never liked Malik. Even for a second. Yaya AbdulMajid always said he is a player. Yaya AbdulWahab on the other hand, said he drinks and does drugs.

Which I never believed. The only thing he does was smoke. Which he promised to stop.

Come to think of it, did he really stop smoking or was he just lying to me?

"Majid, Wahab just let it be." Adda Maimunah said using their nicknames.

"What do you mean by 'let it be', huh? I will personally look for him and give him what he deserves. He will surely get the beating of his life." Majid said.

"This is not even about our family reputation. It is about my sister that he left broken and now she's gonna marry someone she doesn't know."
Immediately Wahab said this,fresh tear started rolling down my face.

"Shhhh shhh, don't cry. I don't want to see you crying okay?" Yaya Wahab said and hugged me.

Adda Maimunah and Yaya Majid joined the hug making it a group hug.

I just nodded my head and Adda Maimunah wiped my tears.

"Look if you don't want to get married to Abubakar, just tell me and I will not let it take place, okay?." Majid said.

"No don't worry Ya Majid. I want to get married. I mean I have to move on right? It's not like he's the only man in the world." I said looking at my brother.

"If you say so. Wahab let's go and talk to Dad about the wedding." Majid while dragging Wahab out of the room.

"Yes, yes go. See you have already woke this girl up." Adda Maimunah complained while glaring at them.

"Aunty Maddy, why were you crying?" Aisha innocently asked while rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing my love. Aunty is just happy okay?" I answered forcing a smile.

"Okay. Aunty did you know that Giraffes have long necks....." She started talking which helped in lifting my mood.

"Madina wake up." Maimunah said.

Ohh I didn't know when I slept off, all I could remember is Aisha talking non stop.

"What's the time, sis?" I asked trying to sit down.

My head hurts so much. Well that's what happen when you cry too much.

"It's two pm, Mrs" My sister answered smiling.

"What do you mean Mrs, don't tell me.."I trailed off as tears started forming in my eyes.

"Yup and congratulations sisturr. Welcome to the married Life and I wish you a happy one. Please don't cry okay. Smile for me, baby sis" My sister pleaded and I smiled forcefully.

" See, you are now married to Abubakar. No more thoughts of Malik. Erase his name from your brain." She said smiling at me.

"Okay and thank you." I thanked her.

"What is that? Don't ever thank me again, I'm your sister." She said holding my hands.

" Madina, don't change your heart because someone didn't appreciate it. Be loving always. If showing love matters to you, stand proud in the fact that you wear your heart on your sleeve. You never know who's life you could impact by being yourself. Give out love and share it. Just because someone broke your heart, it doesn't mean you should also do that to other people. Okay?" Maimunah said looking into my eyes.

"Alright, I love you so much sis." I said

"I love you too" She said smiling.

"I love you toooo mommy and Aunty" We heard Aisha shout as she jump on the bed.

"Was she here the whole time?" I asked Maimunah.

" Yes she was" she answered laughing.

Well, I guess this is my life from now on. I hope Abubakar will not do worst than Malik had done.

I hope I find peace of mind.

That's it for chapter 3 people.
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