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Miranda hopped in the passenger seat as tears fell from her eyes.

Mark began driving to Miranda's house so she could pack some things. He decided to stay quiet, knowing miranda and ben's history. He had became friends with Miranda a bit before the sudden breakup. He knew she still loved him and that his reappearance would stir up old feelings.

Arriving to the house Mark checked the house before Miranda grabbed her things. She wasted no time, only grabbing what was essential until this whole thing blew over. Once she was done they headed to Mark's place.

Entering Mark told Miranda they would be going to the cops in the morning before work. She nodded and made her way to the guest room and got ready for bed.

As she exited the bathroom in her nightgown she saw Callie in one similar sitting on the bed.

"So, what happened with Ben?"

Miranda sighed, " I yelled at him."

"I heard."

Miranda eyes went wide as Callie giggled, " Whattt, you know I had to listen. You miss him, don't you?"

"I do. I thought I was over him but, seeing him just made me fall for him all over again." she groaned, sitting on the bed.

"Does he know?-"

"Of course not. I don't think I could ever tell him about Tucker and our whole situation."

"Miranda, you know Ben. He's going to try everything in his power to get you back, you cant just act like Tucker never existed."

Miranda nodded as Callie yawned.

"Look, I'm going to head off to bed. Goodnight Miranda"

"Night Callie."

The next morning everyone woke up early getting ready. Miranda and Mark went to the police station while Callie headed off to work.

Miranda told the police everything, she got a restraining order, and there was a warrant out for his arrest. After they finished they headed off to work.

Miranda walked into her office with Mark behind her, seeing a big bouquet of flowers. Mark quickly looked for a card before reading it out loud.

"To Dr. Bailey, I apologize for my actions and words yesterday. I hope we can rekindle and I can see you again."

Miranda softly smiled, "Give me this." she said snatching the card from him.

"Don't make it too hard for him Bailey." Mark said leaving her office.

She chuckled before smelling the flowers. She was shortly paged to the ER for a 5 car pile up accident. As she made her way there she saw Ben wheeling in a patient from the emergency bay. She licked her lips absentmindedly taking in his body in his firefighter suit. She quickly shook her thoughts and tended to the victim's from the scene.

At the end of her shift, Miranda sat in her office slowly closing her eyes when she heard a knock on the door.

Groaning she semi-yelled, "Come in!"

The door opened to reveal Ben in a black shirt and sweatpants entering the room.

"Hey, I just wanted to come by and apologize in person." he said standing near her desk.

Miranda stood up, standing in front of him.

"It's fine, really and the flowers were beautiful."

" It's really not, I should have never acted the way I did. I guess I just- never mind."

"No, finish"

"I guess I was upset when I thought you were with someone else." he said looking deeply into her eyes.

As her eyes met his, all she could think about was being close to him and his touch. She didn't realize how much she missed being this close with him until now. His eyes traveled from hers to her lips. He slowly licked his lips taking a step closer as she watched intently. She watched his lips as his chest met hers and his hands met her waist. Her arms wrapped around his neck as his lips slowly connected to hers. They kissed slowly savoring the feeling and moment. The kiss quickly got heated as she grabbed his head trying to pull him closer and his hands traveled to her ass grabbing it roughly and pulling her into him. Moans and groans left both their mouths as they continued to kiss. Bens tongue traced her lips asking for entrance as she gave it. His tongue explored her mouth as Miranda let him take over and enjoy the experience. They slowly broke away, staring at each other until Miranda's pager went off.

"Im sorry, I got-"

"Yeah, I know. I'll see you around Dr. Bailey." Ben said before exiting.

Miranda gathered her thoughts before heading off.

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