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Miranda woke up the next morning sore and tired. She slowly climbed out of bed and got ready for work. As she was slipping on her shoes , she remembered the events of last night.
She went in the bathroom to find some makeup to cover her bruises. Sadly, she had ran out of her makeup. She sighed frustrated before thinking of what to tell people. She knew Mark and Callie wouldn't believe it. She was even more certain Alex and George were going to bug her until they got the truth. She checked the time before rushing out the door and heading to the hospital.

She walked into her office to be met with Mark, sitting food on her desk. He had his back facing her and was unpacking the bag.

"I know how you are, but you have to eat some-" he turned to face her, quickly noticing the bruise and marks.

"Miranda?" he said sternly.

She sighed and went into the bathroom to change into her scrubs. She walked out to an upset Mark with his arms crossed.

"It was Tucker wasn't it?"

"Mark." she said in almost a plea.

"No, Miranda. I refuse to let you go through that again, your staying at Me and Callie's place. Now come eat and did you tell the police?"

"You and Callie's?"

"We're still doing that roommate's thing, don't try to change the subject."

"No, theres no point." she said in almost a whisper.

Before Mark could argue his pager went off.

"We're talking about this when we get home." he yelled as he rushed out.

Miranda sat down enjoying the chicken salad. She would have to thank him later. He had been a big help during and after Tucker.

Once she was done she met her interns at the nurses station.

"Everyone work on labs and diagnose this patient, "she said handing them all a copy of the patient's file, " Whoever diagnoses the patient correctly, joins me on the surgery. Now, get out my face."

All the interns stared at the bruise and marks before scurrying off. All except, George and Alex.

"What happened to your face, Bailey?" Alex asked crossing his arms.

"And your neck." George pointed out.

"Nothing, Now go do some work." she said before walking off.

Both men looked at each other before reluctantly going back to work.

Bailey took a deep breath before entering Ben's room.  His sister and mom were sitting beside him laughing at their conversation. It slowly faded as she entered.

"Okay, Mr.Warren, I will be checking to make sure you are ready for discharge. Any questions or concerns?"


She hummed in response, checking his incision sites.

"What happened to your face and neck?" his jaw was clench as he asked and it was apparent in his tone he was upset.

"Nothing, Not that its any of your business. You are clear for discharge." she said turning to leave.

Before she could his hand had grabbed hers, "Miranda."

She softly snatched her hand, "The nurse will be in to give you the discharge papers." and walked out.

It was finally time for surgery, she was glad. She was running tired of the looks and questions. Usually when Tucker would leave bruises and marks to be seen or hurt her badly, she would go to another hospital or Callie and Mark would cover for her until she could recover.

The stares and whispers irritated her. She could finally find some peace doing surgery. Well, at least thats what she thought. Her lucky intern had been George, not so lucky for her.


"No, George. I am fine, thats all you need to know."

" Sooo, what happened?"

"George?!" she said in a huff

He stared at her blankly, waiting for a response.

Miranda grew frustrated with his stare, "FINE! You and Alex, my office after this surgery."

George nodded.

After the surgery, Miranda made her way into the office with Alex and George hot on her trail. She walked in to find Callie and Mark standing there.

"Tell these two what happened and I swear if either one of you say anything I will end your careers before they can start." Miranda said sternly before going to the bathroom to change into her regular clothes.

Mark and Callie went on to tell the two her past with Tucker. By the time they finished Miranda walked out.

"Thats it, Now Miranda what happened between yesterday and today?" Callie asked.

Miranda sighed, telling them what happened. She left out the details and hoped it would in there.

"Bailey you have to go to the police." Alex said.

"I can't." she said in almost a whisper, tears had started to swell in her eyes.

"Yeah, Bailey. We got you." Mark said.

George hugged her as she cried.

"Okay, I will." she said softly.

Everyone let out a small sigh of relief.

"Alright Miranda, come on lets go." Mark said grabbing her purse and keys, "Alex go do scut or something. George here, your driving Miranda's car until this whole thing is done and do scut too. Miranda I don't care, you can protest all day." Mark said.

Miranda followed Mark to his car, while Callie walked to hers.

"Bailey?!" a man semi-shouted.

Mark and Miranda turned around to face the man.

Seeing it was Ben, Miranda's heart calmed.

"Mark, I'll meet you at the car."

"You sure?"


Mark nodded, as he continued his walk.

Ben approached Miranda closely, "Are you okay?"

Miranda couldn't help the tears that threatened to fall.


"Mirandaa, don't lie to me." he whined.

" I- I have to go."

"Your man waiting on you?"

She chuckled, "He is my friend."


She turned to walk away but decided to give him a piece of her mind beforehand.

" This- This is why we ended. You jump to conclusions and are too stubborn to listen. I-," she struggled to talk as tears fell, "I loved you so much and it hurt like hell when you left me. It felt like I couldn't breathe or talk, I was so sad. If it wasn't for Mark or Callie, I wouldn't be standing here. I am not okay, I haven't been okay. You strolling back into my life with these same games, is not okay. I don't need that right now, I have enough problems as you can tell. I don't need another man adding onto my misery, okay?" she quickly walked off and got into Mark's car as he pulled off.

Ben on the on the other hand, was holding back tears. He believed her when she first said he was a friend but something in him was just upset that she wasn't his. Then the bruise and mark on her neck set a fire in him and he wanted to do was hold and protect her. But it wouldn't be that easy and he knew that.

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