twenty seven

476 21 1

word count: 3.7k


Logan sat as still as a statue as she was squashed between Greef and Mando in the back seat of the Mythol's speeder. They travelled through the lava canyons and listened to Greef explain a little bit more about what they were in for.

'The whole base is powered by a reactor,' Greef said but was interrupted by Cara.

She firmly said, 'We sneak in, overload the reactor, and get the hell outta there.'

Mando nodded. 'Let's be fast. And keep the speeder running.'

'There it is right up there.' Greef pointed at the large building they were quickly approaching. Logan's jaw dropped at the height of it but quickly shut her mouth when Mando looked at her. 'You see it?' Greef asked.

'How could you not?' Logan muttered and put her hands in her lap where she fiddled with the hemline of her shirt.

Mythrol glanced over his shoulder at Greef and asked him, 'How close do you want me to drop you off?'

'How about the front door?' Greef asked.

'It's a little close for a civilian, don't ya' think?'

'I got two choices for you. You take us in and I knock a hundred years off your debt.'


'Or I leave ya' out here in the lava flats to walk home with whatever's left in your humidity vest!'

'Not much of a choice, is it?'

Not even two minutes later, they were pulling up to the front of the base where they spent no time wasting in getting out of the speeder.

'We can't go any further than this,' Mythrol said to them all as they all began walking towards the door of the base, all of them with their weapons drawn.

Mando reached forward to the control box on the left and hit several buttons before taking a step back with a small huff. 'Controls are useless, they're melted,' he said to them and looked up.

'Well, it's probably not rated for lava,' Greef said before Cara called it imperial trash, earning a chuckle from Logan, who was too busy kicking rocks on the floor to be watching the way Mando inspected the building, pointing things out to her.

Mando walked out into the opening as Mythrol called, 'All right, I'm headed back. Hit me up on the comm, we could set up a rendezvous time.'

'You park your gills right there until I say otherwise,' Greef called and pointed at him.

'I'm starting to dehydrate, boss.'

As Greef negotiated more time off Mythrol's debt, Logan walked over to Mando and looked up at the ledge of the base on top of the canyon wall.

'You could fly up there and use their controls maybe?' She asked and put her hands on her hips.

He nodded and muttered, 'I was just thinking that.' He tucked his gun away as the Mythrol climbed out of the car with a small tool. 'You coming up with me?' He asked her, causing her to shrug.

'Don't ask me these things, I'm very indecisive,' she said as she clipped her blaster to her belt.

Mando wrapped his arm around her lower back before turning to everyone else and saying, 'Hold tight.' Logan didn't know who he was talking to, so she put an arm around his neck and braced herself for the moment he jettisoned upward. She threw her other arm around his neck just as tightly when she realised either she held on for dear life or she fell to her death.

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