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word count: 2.5k


Mando shook his head as he pointed at the words on the paper. 'It's pronounced, OY-ah-MAN-dah. Say it with me...'

'OY-ah-MAN-dah,' Logan muttered along with Mando.

'Yes, yes!' Mando said as he nodded, causing Logan to laugh. 'There you go,' he said and sat back in his seat. 'Now I've taught you some Mando'a, will you teach me Olys Corellisi?'

Logan grinned and muttered, 'Never in a million years would I reveal my secrets to you.'

Over the hum of the ship, Mando let out a quiet laugh and put his hands behind his head, causing Logan to bashfully look away from his gaze, despite watching his reflection in the window of the cockpit.

'Aa'kua,' she said, turning to look at him as he nodded, quietly repeating the word. 'It means respect... Ah-Ku-ah.'

Mando muttered, 'Aa'kua... I like it. Do you think we have mutual au'kua for one another?' He asked, and whilst his tone was light and informal, Logan knew it was a genuine question. 'I think we do.'

As she laughed and crossed her arms over her chest, she leaned back on the control panel and nodded her head. 'Saltan valoramosa n telval mord,' she told him, watching as he sat back in shock. 'Assumption is the first step into a shallow grave... I'm only kidding. Yes, we have aa'kua for one another. A grand amount, on my behalf.'

Mando nodded his head and muttered, 'Likewise...'


Logan put her robe on over her long pants and long-sleeved shirt, knowing she was going to regret it later on. She didn't like Tatooine. It was hot, because of the two suns, and there was sand, so much sand.

She walked out of the Razor Crest and down the ramp, already hearing the familiar voice of Peli Motto, the mechanic that helped them the last time they were there, hounding Mando about the changes that she thought had taken place since the last time they visited.

'I guess a lot has changed since you were last in Mos...'

Logan watched with a small smile as the woman gasped in surprise and began to pull The Child out of the bag on The Mandalorian's side, a wide grin on her face.

'Oh! Thank the Force! This little thing has had me worried sick. Come here, you little womp rat. Looks like it remembers me... How much do you want for it? Just kidding! But not really. You know, if this thing ever divides or buds, I will gladly pay for the offspring,' she said to Mando, causing Logan to laugh as she continued to walk down the ramp. Peli looked at Logan and cried out again, raising her arm, 'And I see you're still travelling with your girlfriend... Hey!' She looked at a pit droid that had a tube stuck to its face.

Logan couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled from her chest as the droid shook the tube away from itself, taking the scolding from Peli. She approached the pit droid and stared at it curiously. She thought they were so cute, not as cute as The Child, but still cute in their own weird way. She helped it detach itself from the tube before tossing the PVC away.

Peli's comment about her being Mando's girlfriend flew over her head completely, but it didn't for Mando who was turning a crimson red under his helmet as his feet remained glued to the ground where he stood.

'A Mandalorian Armorer has set me on my path. If I can locate another of my kind, I can chart a path through the network of coverts,' The Mandalorian said as Logan wandered back over to them.

'You've been the only Mando here for years from what I can tell.' Peli shrugged as she adjusted The Child's small collar.

'Where is Mos Pelgo? I'm told there's one there.'

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