twenty four

469 20 2

word count: 3.8k


Looking over the edge of the boat, Logan smiled at the rushing water beneath them. It reminded her of the river near her village on Sorgan. However darker the water was in an ocean, she still found comfort in it. 

Mando looked down at Logan and asked for what seemed to be the third time that afternoon, 'Are you sure we can't trust them?' 

She looked up at him and moved closer as she suppressed a sigh and eyed one of the Qaurren's Brothers, who was walking towards them. 

'I don't know... It's just the same feeling I had with Greef,' she muttered and looked away once the man had reached them. 

'You ever see a mamacore eat?' He asked and looked out at the ocean. 'Quite a sight,' he mused but only received silence in response. 'Child might take an interest, and your little lady here... You should take a look, come on,' he said and nodded his head at the centre pit of the boat, where a cage was pulled off the water in the pit. 

Logan and Mando walked over to the pit's edge and looked in wearily as The Child's pod inched closer and closer. 

'Get a good view, let the kid see. You too missy!' He laughed and pointed at Logan who could only muster up a nod and a small smile.

She felt guilty for judging him, now that he was being friendly, but she knew she needed to trust her instincts and keep her distance, so she offered him a small smile and took a step closer to The Child. 

'Alright, close enough,' Mando said as the pod stopped a small distance from the edge, holding his arm out in front of The Child. 

Qaurren used his pole to push the net over the middle of the water-filled pit, grunting out, 'There we go!'

Logan watched curiously as the net opened and a bunch of fish fell down into the water. She hummed in surprise when a large amount of bubbles rose to the surface and Qaurren told them she must have been hungry.

'Oftentimes, we'll feed her in the early morning, but we missed that cause we were going out port!' Qaurren grunted and used the pole to whack The Child's pod into the water, where a large teeth-filled mouth opened and swallowed it whole. Luckily the pod closed just in time.

'No!' Both Mando and Logan yelled, but Logan was the first to dive into the water before being quickly followed by Mando, who hesitated based on his swimming abilities.

Logan grabbed onto her lightsaber, which was tucked under her shirt on her belt, and ignited it, before swimming towards the dark shadow slivering around the bottom of the pit. The blue glow from the sabre's blade made it easier for Logan to see, and she jumped right into the action of stabbing the mamacore, trying to get it to spit out The Child.

She grunted as the mamacore turned around and flashed its teeth at her, trying its hardest to bite her, but she swung her lightsaber across its nose and winced at the horrifying sound it made.

The feeling of several sharp razor blades scratched her back, causing her to scream in pain, and lose what little oxygen she had, but it also encouraged her to slice at the mamacore even more, not noticing the other person who dived into the water. Slowly the beast stopped moving as its shrieks and cries died out with it and Logan swam around to its mouth and sliced it open. Logan felt her heart thump in her chest in relief when she saw The Child's pod within arm's reach. She subtracted her lightsaber and fumbled to clip it to her belt, but once she had done so, she was struck in the side by what felt to be by foot, kicking her back several feet.

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