twenty two

465 20 2

word count: 3.3k


'Wake up, Mandalorian.'

Logan woke up with a jolt as Mando roughly moved from underneath her. She looked at the way their legs intertwined underneath the blanket before looking at the way her arms wrapped around his torso. That's when she felt his arm around her back as his hand firmly held onto her shoulder, keeping her tucked in tight. 

He had his blaster aimed at a half-mantled droid. The Frog Lady stood beside it with a small device held up to her mouth.

'This cannot wait until morning. Do not be alarmed. I bypassed the droid's security protocols and accessed its vocabulator.' She appeared to be speaking into it in her native tongue, but the droid translated it to Galactic Basic.

'What the hell are you doing?' Mando asked her and lowered his gun. Logan swiftly let go of him and untangled their legs, trying to put as much distance between them as she could without tearing the blanket off the both of them. 'That droid is a killer.' He warned her.

'These eggs are the last brood of my life cycle.' She gestured to the cylinder. 'My husband has risked his life to carve out an existence for us on the only planet that is hospitable to our species. We fought too hard and suffered too much to resign ourselves to the extinction of our family line. I must demand that you hold true to the deal that you agreed to.'

Mando shook his head and said, 'Look, Lady, the deal is off. We're lucky if we get off this frozen tomb with our lives.'

Logan frowned in worry but it disappeared quickly. She knew how dramatic Mando could be in an intense situation, and she liked to think that this was one of the instances where he would save the day at the last minute like he always did.

'I thought honouring one's word was a part of the Mandalorian code. I guess those are just stories for children.'

Mando slowly glanced down at The Child and then at Logan, both of them wearing worn-out yet hopeful expressions. He sighed loudly and picked The Child up, dropping him into Logan's lap, before getting up in a huff. He snatched up the toolbox and glared in the Frog Lady's direction.

'This was not a part of the deal,' he grumbled as Logan began to push the blanket off to stand up. He stopped in the doorway of the hole and pointed at her, saying, 'You stay here, for now.'

Logan sighed but didn't argue, so she pulled The Child closer to her chest and sunk further into the blanket. The Child cooed quietly and relished in the warmth as they both fell back into a soft slumber that was faintly plagued by the cool air.


Stepping outside, Logan tightened her robe around her and crossed her arms, looking up at the large hole in the ice above them that they had previously fallen through. She looked down and kicked the snow with her foot.

'So this is snow?' She asked Mando with a grimace. He glanced up from his toolbox several feet away.

'What? You don't like it?' He asked, clearly being sarcastic since he was in a sour mood.

'No. It's like... cold sand. And I dislike the sand very much,' she told him as she walked over to the area he was in, observing him as he began welding something to the side of the severely damaged ship. 'What do you need me to do?' She asked and moved closer to him, so she could watch.

He stopped and looked around. 'Do you think you could start collecting all of the stuff we lost?' He gestured around to the many items placed about in the sand.

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