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word count: 4k


'Are we sure this person knows anything about where to find more Mandalorian?' Logan asked as she walked alongside Mando through the dimly lit streets of whatever town they were in, on whatever planet they were on. She took notice of the bright red eyes following them in the darkness and shadows of the buildings — their presence was heavy.

'He will once I've finished speaking with him.'

Logan looked up at The Mandalorian with wide eyes but said nothing as they came to a stop in front of a door that was being guarded by a sinister-looking Twi'-lek doorman.

'I'm here to see Gor Koresh,' Mando said.

The Twi'-lek looked down at The Child, who babbled something and waved. The Child was beginning to make more noises, noises which Logan had convinced herself were actual words, but he had grown only slightly despite his vocabulary growing. Well, if it would even be counted as vocabulary. Over the four months she had been with Mando and the Child, she had unfortunately made little progress with unlocking his powers, but she hadn't given up faith yet.

The doorman then looked at Logan and smiled before stepping aside and opening the door for them, 'Enjoy the fight.'

Logan followed Mando and the pod in which The Child was sitting, down a flight of stairs. She heard the yelling and cheering long before she saw the fighting. She gazed up at all the brightly coloured flags hanging from every bit of free space on the ceiling, before letting her eyes travel through the mixed crowd, where they eventually landed on two boar-looking creatures fighting in a large squared ring.

Mando came to a stop and sat down next to a green man with one eye centred in the middle of his forehead. Logan sat next to The Mandalorian and turned her attention to the fight in front of her, wincing as one of the boar creatures attempted to decapitate the other one with a large axe.

'You know this is no place for a child or a lady, Mando,' Gor Koresh said as he took another sip of his drink.

'Wherever I go, they go,' Mando said, glancing over his shoulder ever so slightly at The Child and Logan who were both looking at the fight intensely, but he knew better than to assume that Logan wasn't straining her ear to listen to his conversation with Gor.

'So I've heard.'

The Mandalorian put one hand on his knee as he leant forward before saying, 'I've been quested to bring The Child to his kind. If I can locate other Mandalorians, they can help guide me. I'm told you know where to find them.'

Gor rolled his single eye and said, 'It's uncouth to talk business immediately. Just enjoy the entertainment.' That was until the fight between him didn't end up going his way. 'Bah! My Gamorrean is not doing well. Kill him! Finish him!'

Logan flinched as one of the Gamorreans slashed an axe down at the other Gamorrean, but the other had rolled out of the way.

'Do you gamble, Mando?' Gor asked suddenly.

'Not when It can be avoided.' Mando had replied, clearly growing fed up with having to wait so long for an answer to his first question.

'Well, I'll bet you the information you seek that this Gamorrean's going to die within the next minute and a half, and all you have to put up in exchange is your shiny beskar armour,' Gor said, baiting The Mandalorian.

'I'm prepared to pay you for the information. I'm not leaving my fate up to chance.'

'Nor am I.'

Logan flinched once more as Gor stood up with a blaster extended outwards and shot one of the Gamorreans that was on the verge of winning. Spectators all around them gasped in surprise before fleeing in every direction, screaming in fear for their lives, shoving over one another to get out of the building.

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