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word count: 2.1k


Logan handed a medium-sized white canister to a Tusken Raider and offered him a smile along with it as he took it and loaded it onto the large Bantha. Although she couldn't understand what they were saying to her, their gentle mannerism when interacting with her was enough for them to wiggle their way into Logan's heart.

They were all currently loading the explosives onto the Bantha's, preparing for the trap they were going to set up at the mouth of the Sarlacc pit, and it was the first time that the townspeople and Tuskins were working together.

Taking a small step back, Logan removed her robe and tossed it off to the side before rolling her sleeves up one at a time. Right before she finished rolling her second sleeve, one of the Tusken had dropped a canister passed to him by a townsfolk.

'Hey, hey! What are you doing? That's an explosive! What, are you trying to blow the whole place up? What? Is that what you want?' The townsfolk asked the Tusken, who was moving closer to the man in a way that showed he was one harsh word away from getting physical.

Logan moved forward and put herself between the Tusken and the townsfolk, the Tusken running into her back, not expecting her to be there.

'It was an accident, okay? Accidents happen,' she said to him quietly, watching the frown on his face deepen.

'What do you want to do?' The man asked the Tusken angrily.

'Hey!' Logan snapped, gaining his attention. 'It was an accident.' She stepped back and let them all go back to work before she spun around and looked at Mando and Cobb with a smile. 'You like taking risks don't you?' She asked Mando and crossed her arms across her chest.

Mando shrugged and asked, 'I took a risk with The Child and with you, didn't I?' Causing Logan to grin at him and nod through a squint.

'Hey, what's this?' Cobb asked and reached forwards to grab at her lightsaber but she grabbed his wrist before he could touch the cool metal.

'Nothing of your concern,' she said and let go of his wrist, gently shoving it away.

Cobb eyed the Mandalorian and hummed to himself.


It was sometime after the morning, and the two suns were already high in the sky as the speeder carrying Mando, Logan and The Child, zoomed across the sand as The Mandalorian pushed it to its limits.

Logan had woken up less than ten minutes ago and was beginning to feel the pain in her bottom from sitting on such a hard surface for so long. Seconds before she went to complain, the speeder nose-dived into the sand, sending Mando, Logan, The Child, and all their stuff, flying through the air.

Logan attempted to land on her feet but her legs ended up crumbling from underneath her, causing her to hit the ground roughly.

'Quick! Grab The Child and the Jedi!'

She pushed herself up and rolled onto her side to look at the spot in which the voice had come from, but gasped when she was met with a knife in her face. She glanced at The Child whose jacket was bundled up in the Bounty Hunter's fist.

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