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word count: 7.5k


'Kuiil!' Logan looked up at the comlink on the Ugnaught's side at the sound of Mando's voice. 'Are you there? Do you copy?'

Kuiil fumbled around for it but managed to reply, 'Yes!'

'Are you two back to the ship yet?' He asked, the panic in his voice had begun to make Logan worry.

'Not yet!'

'Get back to the ship and bail! Get the kid out of here, we're pinned down!'

Logan muttered a curse under her breath and accepted the extended hand from Kuiil, letting him pull her up onto the Blurgg. He flicked the reigns and began riding much faster than their walking pace. Up ahead, the Razor Crest could be seen in the distance.

Instead of there being a ripple down her spine, it was as if she had gained another sense and it was telling her to look over her shoulder, an action to which she did. She saw two men dressed in white, riding speeders, approaching them quickly with blasters drawn.

'Kuiil! You need to ride faster!' She said and looked back at the Ugnaught as he glanced around her to see what the struggle was.

'Stormtroopers,' he growled, 'Hold on!'

Logan grabbed onto the back of his saddle tightly before reaching into the bag by her foot. She grabbed the blaster and looked over her shoulder, aiming it at one of the Stormtroopers. She opened fire, aiming the best she could all twisted around with The Child in her other arm, and missed every single shot, but she had them moving about to steer clear of it.

'Kuiil, are you back to the ship yet? They're onto us.'

Ducking from the fire of one of the Stormtrooper's blasters, Logan glanced back to see the ramp of the ship coming down, meaning IG-11 had heard them and was preparing for their arrival.

'Kuiil, come in!' Logan turned back around and began shooting again, but the blaster wasn't her friend. 'Logan, do you copy? Are you and Kuiil back at the ship?' The Stormtroopers were closing in and she was missing every single shot.

As Logan turned back around, ready to dismount the Blurrg and run towards the ship, the Blurrg was shot by a Stormtrooper and stopped abruptly, which sent Kuiil and Logan flying through the air.

'Come in, Kuiil! Kuiil, come in!' She heard Mando cry out on the comlink that flew past her head. 'Logan? Are you there? Come in!'

Logan hit the ground with an impact so hard, it rendered her paralysed for several seconds. Her mind was all over the place and it took her several moments to realise The Child wasn't in her grasp anymore. She sat up and looked around when her eyes landed on the two Stormtroopers retreating, but The Child was nowhere to be found. She looked at Kuiil who was on the ground several feet away and covered her mouth in shock.

She pushed herself up as her entire body screamed at her not to, and ran to Kuiil's side, dropping to her knees beside him. The smoke rising from the large blaster wound on his back gave clear indications that he hadn't survived the attack. Logan shook her head and closed his eyes for him.

'Do you require my assistance?' IG-11 asked as Logan pulled herself to her feet, looking at the Blurgg that was dead several feet away.

'Yes! Yes, they have the kid!' She said and pointed at the direction that the Stormtroopers left in. She made sure she still had her lightsaber on her belt before she began running in the direction she had just come from.  She quickly stopped and looked back at IG-11, who was still standing there. 'Well? Hurry up you stupid droid!' She cried out and waved her arm at it before taking off again.

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