I smile at the other two and spot Travis giving... Sofia a sheepish smile. Well that's unexpected. She better not be his rebound after Hayley. We're definitely going to talk about that later.

I turn back to the girls to see them giggling and shaking they're heads. "Let's put on some sun screen. Three out of four of us burn to crisps." I suggest.


All of us girls are relaxing in the bubbling hot tub after our time in the pool. "So, Cassidy, you wanna explain what happened between you and Jason?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

She blushes and starts playing with the water in front of her. "I don't know what you're talking."

Kat laughs. "Ha! What, are you to busy daydreaming about Jason?" She says with a mischievous smile. Sofia and I giggle while Cassidy blushes even more.

Sofia wiggles her eyebrows. "Are you to mesmerized by his charm?"

We laugh a little more at Cassidy's expense. "Oh, shut up."
She says begrudgingly.

"Alright, alright. Explain." I say impatiently.

"Ugh, ok well when y'all came last year for spring back we exchanged numbers." She says with a mumble. It's a habit of hers when she's embarrassed.

Sofia, Kat, and I are completely shocked. We all say a chorus of 'OMG' and 'No way' and 'I had no idea.'

She sighs, "Yeah, well, before we could really text for long he got that girlfriend over the summer, and I started dating um, you know... Sam. So we just stopped talking all together. I didn't even know if he liked me. Heck, I didn't even know if I liked him! But he texted me when the twins picked you up and asked if all of them could come, and we just kind of kept talking since he got here."

We all say our chorus from before and I gasp loudly. "Oh Sam is going to be so jealous!"

"What? No he won't! He doesn't even talk to to me anymore!" She practically shrieks.

"Say what you will but I see those glances he throws at you!"

"Ugh... Well... You... Um... UGH! What about you and Sebastian. Talk about glances being thrown!"

Now I turn red. Not with embarrassment, nope. This is anger. "Oh, don't even get me started on that boy! Ok, you know what he did to me? Well just before you came out here..." I go into detail about earlier today using various hand motions.

"I should give that boy a piece of my mind!" Cassidy exclaims.

"I knew Jeremy was the better twin." Kat says, crossing her arms.

"Where he at, I'm gonna meet this boy." Sofia stands.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I jump up and grab Sofia. "Ok first of all, you're not scary when you're mad; you look like an angry elf. Second, I don't know or care where he is. And third, I can handle this on my own." I say sitting down, and dragging her with me.

"So do you feel my frustration? How can I live in a house with the fool?" I exclaim throwing my hands in the air.

Cassidy sighs and roles her eyes. "Oh you poor, innocent, dear. He's just jealous that you've turned out so hot, and the first thing he sees is a whole bunch of guys on you."

"Well he's an idiot who needs glasses, and should start thinking with the head on his shoulders." I say crossing my arms.

They giggle and shake their heads. I smile mischievously at Katherine. "So how about you and Jeremy." I say wiggling my eyebrows.

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