Amanda stayed quiet, looking up at him. She shook her head, limping back over to Hershel, "Alright, let's get started." Amanda said, clapping her hands together, "I'd love to learn to make butter and cheese!" Amanda smiled as Hershel helped her sit down on a small stool

"Oh, Patricia can help you with all that! She'd love to teach you." Hershel said, kneeling down besides Amanda. He placed a bucket under the cow, "everything alright?" he asked Amanda in a soft voice, when he noticed Rick was still standing in the doorway of the barn, watching

Amanda shook her head, "no, but the world has to keep spinning. there's things to do." amanda said softly

"that's exactly what i tell my daughters." Hershel smiled, "no time to be sad when there's jobs to be done." He said, placing a hand on her knee, sympathetically.


The group was outside eating lunch. Glenn was staring at the trees, more uneasy than normal. Rick had gone to help Hershel with an errand while Amanda was inside with Beth, Patricia and Maggie.

"What's up?" T-Dog asked Glenn

Glenn inhaled shakily, "there's walkers in the barn." he blurted out, "i saw them. i saw them. maggie told me not to tell but i have to." Glenn croaked out

Shane growled angrily, "you're sure?" He asked him, standing up. He watched as Glenn nodded. Shane stormed over to his truck, grabbing guns and began passing them out. Before they could walk over, Shane watched as Rick and Hershel lead a walker to the barn.

"No! Hell no!" Shane shouted, rushing over, "what is this?!" He screamed

"This is the nice woman that lives a few miles away. She's sick." Hershel said, holding the pole that secured the walker

"She's sick? She's sick?" Shane yelled. He pumped his shot gun before shooting the woman in the stomach "sick?" he repeated, shooting her again.

Hershel watched in horror as the woman continued to stand, reaching out for Shane.

"You got walkers in the barn?" Shane asked Hershel

"I have family in the barn." Hershel corrected

Shane laughed, "sick? YOURE sick. not them." Shane yelled, walking over to the barn. He reloaded his shotgun and shot the chains, opening the doors.

Amanda, Patricia and Beth ran out to the barn. Amanda leaned against Patricia for support as she watched walkers shuffle out of the barn, "what's going on?" Amanda asked in confusion

"Hershel is hoarding walkers! His ole buddy Ricks helping wrangle them in!" Shane yelled as he switched guns, using his pistol to shoot walkers as they came out. He grinned as Andrea joined in, shooting alongside with him. Shane turned around, shooting the walker Hershel and Rick were holding.

Amanda glanced back at Rick, watching in horror.

"Mama? Mama!" Beth screamed as her mother came out of the barn. She ran towards her but was stopped by Amanda. Amanda grabbed Beth, "hey, hey, c'mon." Amanda soothed, struggling to hold Beth up as her body went limp, "okay, hey." Amanda whispered, sitting on the ground. She held Beth on her lap, rocking her carefully.

Maggie kneeled down besides Beth, taking her from Amanda. She hugged her as they cried together.

Amanda watched as the line of walkers dwindled down, "do you feel good?" Amanda asked shane, "feel.. feel tough?" She asked, limping over to him, "There was 100 different ways to handle this. You chose the WORST possible way. But what's new?" Amanda asked

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