"Ain't a fire," Kayce shook his head, his arm still around Alex.

John's eyes looked to Alex.

"You sure about that?" John asked her.

"Let me help you," Alex stood up and walked over to John, grabbing the basket from his hands and heading into the dining room after Tate.

She didn't want to be in that room any longer.


Alex was brushing her hair out when a light tap sounded at her door. She walked over and looked out to see Tate standing at her bedroom door.

"Hey, buddy?" Alex smiled.

"Hey..." Tate swayed back and forth. "I uh...was gonna read a book before bed."

"...alright?" Alex kept the smile on her face even though she was a bit confused.

"Wanna read it with me?" Tate asked and she could tell he was a bit nervous now.

Alex's smile brightened.

"I would love to," She walked over to Tate and held out her hand for him to take. "Which one are we gonna read?"

Alex and Tate got into the bed he'd be sleeping in. Tate picked out a book about horses as he leaned against Alex and started to read from the pages. He was a bit slow at sounding the big words out, but the kid did a good job. Movement caught Alex's eye.

Kayce stepped inside, leaning against the frame as he watched Tate and Alex. He had a content smile on his face as his eyes locked with Alex's light ones. She smiled at him as she looked back down at where Tate was struggling with another word. They finished the book in another ten minutes.

"Bedtime, Tate," Kayce said, walking over.

Alex took the book from Tate, shut it, and stood off the bed to place it back on the bookshelf. When she looked back, Kayce kissed Tate's head before pulling his blanket up higher on his chest.

"What do you say to Alex?" Kayce asked Tate.

"Thanks," Tate smiled at Alex.

"Thank you," Alex laughed. "Might have to do it again tomorrow night."

"Okay!" Tate grinned.

"Night, buddy," Kayce led Alex out of the room, shutting Tate's door behind him softly.

Alex gave Kayce a smile, running her hand through her hair as she walked toward her room. She knew Kayce was following her without having to turn around. He followed her back into her bathroom, Alex finally looking over her shoulder with a smirk.

"May I help you?" Alex asked as she grabbed her hair tie.

"I liked you reading with Tate," Kayce leaned against the doorframe.

"Me too," Alex finished up a loose braid in her long hair, tying it off and leaving it over her shoulder.

She had already gotten ready for bed before Tate walked in and got her. Alex walked over to where Kayce was standing and smiled up at him.

"Come sleep with me," Kayce whispered, even though no one was near them.

"I told you," Alex rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I don't want Tate walking in and seeing something he shouldn't."

"What exactly are you planning on doing in my bed?" Kayce joked with her.

"Stop," Alex pushed against his chest.

"You said it yourself," Kayce nodded. "They're all gonna find out eventually."

"I don't want Tate to find out by walking in on me in your bed," Alex sighed. "Your dad already thinks we're playing with fire."

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