Chapter Twenty-Three

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Twenty-two weeks after Lee's death.

"Good morning, Alex," Lance winked at her. "Lover boy get to go home today?"

"Don't act like y'all aren't ready for him to leave," Alex glared as she walked over to the station.

"Mmm...for his attitude? Sure," Lance nodded. "But he is soft on the eyes."

"Sorry to take that away from you," Alex kept walking down the hallway to the room Kayce had been in for the last five days.

Alex's fast acting had saved his life from loss of blood. But it also wasn't done properly so healing took a little bit longer. She pushed open the door and was greeted by the sight of Kayce trying to put his shirt on.

"Hey, Cowboy," Alex smirked.

Kayce looked over at her and sighed with defeat. His hand dropped the shirt from where he tried to pull it around his back.

"You're so fucking stubborn," Alex shook her head, walking over to him. "Couldn't ask a nurse...or wait for me?"

"It's a shirt," Kayce grumbled. "I should be able to put on my fucking shirt."

Alex helped get his good arm through the sleeve and tugged the sides together against his chest. She started to button up his shirt as her eyes looked up into Kayce's.

"Or you can let me help you," She smiled softly at Kayce.

"I feel like I'm like a child," Kayce sighed.

"Kayce..." Alex stopped and looked at him. "You were shot, you've been in a hospital bed for a few need to continue healing. It takes time."

"I have no idea what's happened," Kayce mumbled as you finished his buttons. "No one's come to talk to haven't said a damn thing." 

"And just what were you gonna do?" You placed your hands on your hips. "Laying in bed with wires coming out of you and a fucking hole in your shoulder? You haven't even been fully aware except the past forty-eight hours." 

"You could have told me what happened after," Kayce's eyes were still hazy from the pain medicine. 

"What good would that have done?" Alex asked, trying to control her own temper. 

"Never mind," Kayce stepped around her and turned but the movement tugged on his shoulder and Alex caught the wince. 

"Right...because you're clearly perfectly healed," Alex raised her eyebrow at Kayce. 

"I am fine," Kayce sighed, stepping into his boots on the ground. "Just need to get home." 

"You sound like your father," Alex sighed. 

Kayce looked over at her and frowned. Slowly, he sat back down on the bed and looked up at Alex. She took a few steps so she was standing in front of Kayce. 

"Sorry," Kayce said softly. 

Alex reached out and ran her fingers through his hair. The movement made Kayce's eyes flutter which calmed down Alex's irritation. She leaned down and pressed her lips to Kayce's forehead. 

"Kayce...I pulled a bullet from your shoulder," Alex whispered. "Because you were shot...and bleeding out, and I did that...but I...I haven't asked about what happened because I didn't want to know while you were recovering." 

She leaned back up and looked down at Kayce. 

"I'm a nurse," Alex took a breath. "I knew your actual chances and I was just a little...these past few days haven't been easy for anyone, but I've been by your side and I didn't feel the need to be anywhere else." 

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