Chapter One

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Main Cast & Age

Alexandria Reynolds – 31

· Black hair

· Hazel eyes

· Half Native American on her mother's side

· Father is in prison, with a life sentence

Lee Dutton – 38 deceased

Kayce Dutton – 33

Beth Dutton – 35

Jamie Dutton – 37

Rip Wheeler – 38

John Dutton – 65

Monica Long – 32

Tate Dutton – 7

Alex sat on the bed in one of the guest bedrooms in the main lodge. She was dressed in black boots, a long black skirt, one of Lee's old, black pearl snaps tucked in, and her mother's old opal necklace. It was the only thing of her mother's she still had.

She had felt weird in the foreman's cabin this morning when she grabbed her things to get ready. She hadn't been back in there since the accident...if that's what it even had been. The smell of Lee's favorite cologne and burnt wood from the fireplace almost suffocated Alex as she grabbed her clothes and quickly got out.

It had only been three days, so it only felt like he was up at camp or on a drive...anything but what was her new reality. While she was a huge part of Lee's life this past year or so, she was only a fraction of his entire history. People didn't know what to say to her, so for the most part they steered clear of her. Alex was okay with that for the most part, as she didn't know what to say either, because she didn't know what happened.

A knock on the door made Alex turn and look over her shoulder. John Dutton stood there in his black suit and cowboy hat. His eyes mirrored Alex's as she slowly stood up.

"I'd like for you to walk over with me," John cleared his throat. "If you would like to?"

"Oh...I don't have to," Alex shook her head. "I can just go in the back."

"Nonsense," John held out his hand. "You're family."

Alex stared at his hand.

"We weren't married yet," Alex took a deep breath, her heart feeling a sharp jab to it.

John dropped his hand.

"No, you weren't," John said before he left.

Alex looked down at her dusty boots, hating every single thing about the last few days of her life. She slowly made her way down the stairs and out to the back porch. Most of his family was there, his younger sister and brother standing near their father by the tree. Alex made her way over there but stopped a few feet away.

John caught her eyes again before Alex looked away. There was a small crowd, mixed in with the wranglers from the ranch. She felt like everyone was looking at her. She watched the preacher come up and say something to John before he stepped aside and let John start the procession down to the Dutton family cemetery.

Alex fell in line behind the family. She had known them all since she was a little girl, but all of that was different now. Alex had a different relationship with each Dutton sibling. Each of their relationships was different than they had been when she was younger.

The group made their way down the dirt road until they came to the burial ready for them. A sleek casket was stationed above a grave, Lee's spot with the rest of the Dutton's who have passed before him. Alex looked at the casket, covered with a mound of yellow flowers, and frowned.

Healing Over TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora