Chapter Twenty-One

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Twenty weeks after Lee's death.

"You sure you need all those?" Alex asked Tate.

They were in the kitchen. Alex had just made some hot chocolate for the two to share. That afternoon had consisted of running around like crazy on the ranch. The first major snowfall, over a foot, was forecasted to hit during the night. Alex and Tate had come back in a few minutes ago and needed something to help warm up their bones.

"You gotta have the right ratio of marshmallows to hot chocolate," Tate was counting out his marshmallows.

"Oh is that it?" Alex giggled as she poured them each a mug. "Here."

She handed Tate his and watched him load up the top filling with the marshmallows. The two of them walked into the living room and sat down by the fire. Kayce was in town, making sure the office and his team were prepared and ready for anything to come during the night and into the next day. The past week had been a lot of traveling for Kayce, due to the storm and it getting colder. Tate had also come down with a cold...meaning a lot of reading books and spending time with him was in order.

John walked into the room, having just gotten home himself. Alex and Tate looked up at the older man.

"Evening," John took his hat off.

"Grandpa, we made hot chocolate," Tate smiled with marshmallows all over his face already.

"I can see that," John chuckled. "Alex, could I speak with you?"

Alex got up and followed John back into the kitchen.

"There's plenty if you want a cup," Alex said.

"Thank you," John sighed. "Have you talked to Kayce today?"

"I haven't," Alex shook her head. "We've been trying to get everything ready around here the past few days I don't feel like I've even seen much of him."

"He's on his way here," John nodded. "I just got off the phone with him."

"Everything okay?" Alex questioned.

"Something happened out near Livingston this morning," John said. "Haskell called me but wouldn't say...Kayce ain't talking either."

"Something...bad?" Alex frowned.

"Haskell doesn't call if it ain't," John looked at Alex. "Kayce still doesn't talk to me. I figured he might talk to you though. Alex...if I can help him in some way you need to tell me."

"I do?" Alex asked.

"He talks to you," John shrugged. "I don't know what else to do, but I know you can tell me how I can help him."

"John...I don't feel comfortable in promising you something about Kayce without him knowing," Alex glanced down at her mug.

"It's for Kayce," John looked at her. "It's to protect him."

"Protect him from what?" Alex still didn't feel right about this.

"Mostly himself," John sighed. "Will you just promise me this? If I can help my son, I need to help him."

"I don't know how much Kayce will tell me if he won't tell you," Alex shrugged, still not promising John anything.

"Kayce isn't like Lee, Alex," John looked at her. "He's stubborn, he'll fight this place because he thinks he knows how to run it."

"But he doesn't?" Alex asked.

"He thinks what he sees in me is what it takes," John said. "He has to learn it himself through lessons learned."

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