Part 41

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Mel's Pov

I hadn't been on a night out since that night. Despite my apprehension, I knew I needed to do this. As much as I knew Leah would have been happy to have a night in just us 2, I also knew part of her would have wanted to join in on the team bonding. And I wasn't going to allow the previous situation to define me for the rest of my life.

Entering the club was hard, the loud music made it difficult to hear my own thoughts and the swarm of drunken people caused my body to tense. Before I could even anticipate my next move, Leah sensed the affect it had on me and gently placed her hand in mine as she intertwined our fingers, brushing over my knuckles with her thumb in a bid to settle my nerves.

Offering a gentle nod to the tall blonde by my side, she guided me to a booth in the corner where we were quickly greeted by the Arsenal girls.

"Mel" Katie screamed as she pulled me into a tight embrace.

"How's my favourite Irish woman" I giggled, wrapping my arms around her.

"Even better now you're here......shot?" She questioned, wriggling her eyebrows in a humorous manner. I'd heard many stories about Katie's love for shots and how despite her argument of being able to handle them, she always ended up with her head down the toilet by the end of the night.

"Okay, but just the one. I'm not having Rue hold me responsible when you're being sick later" I laughed as Katie handed me a shot of the clear liquid which I presumed to be vodka.

The burning sensation in the back of my throat which hit after I had taken the shot, confirmed it was indeed straight vodka.

After the warm welcome from the Arsenal girl's the night was truly underway, and the drinks were flowing quickly and going down with ease.

It didn't take long for the group to split as some of the girls went to dance and others opted to remain seated in the booth. Leah was currently on the dance floor along with Beth, Katie, Steph and Lia and from what I could make out, it seemed as though there was a dance battle happening between them as they were stood in a circle, taking it in turns to enter the centre before busting out a dance move.

I had decided to remain seated and was currently listening to Viv and Kim talk about what it means to them to play for their country, Kim explaining her decision to retire from international football to focus on her club career.

"I'm just nipping to the toilet; I won't be long." I smiled as I exited the table.

The night was going smoothly, and it felt exactly what we had needed, a chance to let our hair down and have some fun. Leah had spent most of the evening showering in me with affection and continuously checking in to make sure I was okay. God, I love her.

Shortly after entering the cubicle, I hear the toilet door go as a group of girls had entered, it was hard not to listen to their conversation as they were clearly drunk and therefore talking extremely loud.

"Have you seen some of the Arsenal girls are in here." I heard one voice say.

"Yeah, you might be in with a chance Jess. Which one is it you fancy again, the blonde one?"

"The England captain isn't it Jess? What's her name again, Leah something?"


"Yeah, that's the one. I've seen her holding hands with that other girl though."

"Oh, she's definitely no competition, Leah is so out of her league".

Ouch, that one hurt.

"It's definitely just a fling, I'm sure she wouldn't think twice once she see's you Jess" Another girl giggled.

We can only learn to love by lovingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant