Part 20

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Mel's Pov

Despite the exhaustion that filled my body throughout the entire day yesterday, I woke up this morning surprisingly refreshed. It was the best sleep I have had in a long time, no guessing why that is. As my eyes drifted open, I could hear Leah breathing as my head still lay upon her chest, her arms firmly wrapped around me holding me as close to her as possible.

Lifting my head further up, placing it back onto the pillow on my side of the bed, I lay for a few moments watching Leah, who was still fast asleep. Her hair was tied into a low ponytail with a few strands of hair resting around her face which had escaped her bobble in her sleep. She looked content, a small smile appearing across her face which indicated she went to sleep happy last night.

I began to recap the events of last night and the conversation between Leah and me. Butterflies appearing once again in my stomach as I remembered how she confessed that she loved me last night. Mixed emotions. That's the only phrase I can use right now to describe how I feel. I had longed to hear those words leave Leah's lips, to gain confirmation that she too felt the same way in which I did. But I couldn't forget the hurt I had been caused, despite Leah explaining what happened that night, it still didn't take away the pit that entered my body each time I picture the image of her and Jordan kissing. Would I be a fool to believe her words?

I decided to leave Leah to continue sleeping, she was too angelic like to disturb her right now. Peeling myself away from her arms carefully to ensure she did not wake up; I headed to the bathroom to shower and freshen up. I was driving back home today and needed to check out of the hotel at 12pm, which meant I had two hours to get showered and packed away before leaving.

I decided to have a long shower whilst I attempted to process my train of thoughts. Can I move past this? Should we call it off for good? I stood, allowing the water to fall over my body for around 30 minutes before washing my hair and exiting the shower.

As I emerged from the bathroom, only with a towel wrapped around me, I was greeted to a now awaken Leah who was sat with her back resting against the headboard as she scrolled aimlessly through her phone.

"Morning" Leah smiled as she noticed my presence re-enter the room.

"Morning, did you sleep okay?" I questioned.

"The best I have done in ages." A sigh of relief leaving her mouth as she now left the bed and edged towards me.

Wrapping her arms around my shoulders as she softly placed a gentle kiss to my cheek, pulling me softly into her warm embrace.

"Are you okay?" she whispered, her head still resting against my cheek.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just slightly confused" I honestly answered, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt Leah or give her the wrong impression.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Uhm, I've just got mixed emotions. I'm scared of getting hurt again Le, I don't think I can do it again" I croaked.

"What does this mean for us?" Her voice was soft, barely above a whisper. I could see the uncertainty and nervousness which had appeared across her face as she slightly held her breath, waiting for me to confirm, as though she was dreading my response.

"I love you Leah, I really do. I'm just, erm – scared. I'm scared of allowing myself to trust you and being hurt again."

Leah's arms were now wrapped back around my shoulders as I was pulled into yet another hug.

"I love you too. I promise nothing like that will ever happen again. Please give me a chance to show you that you can trust me, we can go at your pace." Almost as If she was begging for a second chance.

"Okay, but I think we should take things slow."

"I'm fine with that, you're worth it." A cheeky smile now spreading across her face before she placed a peck to my lips.

As Leah left to go and freshen up in the shower, I finished getting ready and had packed all of my belongings by the time she returned from the bathroom.

"I'm heading back home today; would you like to drive back with me rather than getting the train?"

Despite me saying I wanted to take things slow, it seemed pointless for us to make separate trips back home.

"I'd love too." Leah assured me as she nodded her head in agreement.

The long car journey home surprisingly flew by. It was filled with back-and-forth conversation as we filled each other in on the parts of our lives which were missed during our time apart. Leah had given me updates on the Arsenal girls, training, and her upcoming matches. And I told her all about how my new business venture in Manchester had come about and how well both stores were currently doing.

It was as if we had never been apart, Leah's hand rested on my left thigh as I drove us back to St. Albans, every now and then I would interlock our fingers during spare moments where I didn't need to change gears, which caused Leah to smile intently as she faced the window, watching the world pass us by.


After agreeing with Leah to take things slow, we spent the next few days apart as we settled back into our daily routines. However, this did not stop us from texting.

Our days were filled with ongoing texts to one another, providing an update on how our day had been so far and we would end our evening on a facetime call as neither of us could sleep without hearing the other's voice.

As I had climbed into bed, as expected Leah had called exactly at the time which she said she would. Answering the call, I was greeted by the most beautiful smile, I could see her eyes light up as the call connected and my camera had focused onto myself.

As usual, Leah had given me a run-down on her day, despite her keeping me updated throughout the day via text. I wasn't complaining though, her voice was soothing and made me feel at ease, I could listen to her talk about anything. Just as my eyes were getting heavier and as my head relaxed further into my pillow, I heard Leah chuckling to herself, causing my eyes to divert back to my phone screen.

"What?" I groaned.

"Nothing, you just look cute."

"Thanks" I smiled back.

"Before, I let you go. I have a question for you."

"Okay" I nodded, mentally preparing myself for the question.

"Mums invited me round tomorrow evening for games night with some of my family. I was wondering if uhm – well – if maybe, you want to go with me?"

Without allowing me a chance to respond, Leah continued to ramble.

"I know we er – said we would take things slow. So, if you don't want to come or are uncomfortable it's fine. It's just, Id like to see you."

This girl melts my heart.

"Le.... I would love to come" I was now unable to hide the huge smile which was now beaming across my face.

"Really?" the element of surprise prominent in her tone of voice.

"Mmhmm, I'm in work until 3 but if you let me know the plan, I'll make sure I'm ready to go" I agreed now as I watched her eyes beam with excitement.

"Great! I can't wait to see you, Mel. Get some sleep gorgeous, I'll speak to you tomorrow and we can arrange a plan."

"Sounds perfect Le, goodnight."

"Goodnight Mel, I love you."

"I love you too." 

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