Part 5

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I woke up to dazzling rays of sunlight piercing through the gap in the blinds, turning over onto my side and throwing the duvet over my head a large groan escaped my mouth. The splitting headache caused by the amount of alcohol consumed last night felt as though someone was banging the side of my head with a hammer. The thought of even opening my eyes hurt, all I wanted to do was spend the day sleeping. That was until I remembered I had promised my cousin Louise I would spend the day shopping with her.

Removing the duvet from over my head, I lay beginning to stare at the ceiling of my bedroom, hoping that this would miraculously make my hangover disappear. As I lay in silence, I decided I best text Jessica and Bethany to make sure they were both still alive as I hadn't heard from either of them since they left the club last night.

Girl's talk 💅🏻👯❤


Good Morning you two... Can you both let me know that you are alive?xx

Almost instantly, I received a response back from both girls confirming they were still alive and had a brief catch up.


Yeah, I'm still alive, wow what a night that was!


Urgh, someone please help me. This hangover is killing me off.


What time did you get home Mel?


I left the club about 3ish, I got an uber home.




Yes, of course alone. How long have you known me for? You know I don't do one-night stands!


All I'm saying, is that you looked cosy with the tall blonde girl when we left so you never know, I thought you might have got lucky, they're seemed to be a lot of flirting going on between the pair of you

Oh shit. I completely forgot I hadn't told them that I had met Leah and the rest of the football lot earlier in the week in the shop. I also hadn't told them about the way Leah had made me feel throughout the two encounters we had.

I decided to not respond again in the group chat, I was far too hungover to deal with this today. Speaking of Leah, I suddenly remembered the DM exchange we had last night. I loaded Instagram and went straight to my DMs, re-reading the messages which were sent, which caused me once again to smile from ear to ear.

I contemplated messaging Leah again this morning, as I stared at the conversation on my phone I was having an internal argument with myself over whether I should message again to spark up a conversation, whilst the other part of me talked myself out of this. I had sent the last message, I can't double text, I don't want to seem like a lovesick puppy. Besides, I'm sure she doesn't even see me like that, she was probably just being nice wanting to make sure I got home safely as I left the club on my own. I then noticed the last message I had sent last night was read 20 minutes ago, if she wanted to talk to me, she would have messaged me, right?

I decided against messaging Leah and instead dragged myself out of bed and headed to the ensuite to shower as I needed to get ready for the day with my cousin.

A few hours later I was in the middle of London on a shopping spree with my cousin. She decided that she needed to get some clothes for her kids, I on the other hand had decided I wanted to get myself some new summer clothes and trainers.

We must have been in every shop possible, both mine and Louise's hands were completely full of the bags of shopping we had purchased. Deciding we were done shopping for the day, we headed to a cosy café to grab something to eat and to put our feet up.

Whilst in the café we ordered our food, Louise also ordered herself a caramel latte whereas I opted for an iced tea. We sat catching up, Louise was telling me the latest antics her children had been up to whereas I filled Louise in with how the first week of the bakery had gone, I also updated her on Jessica and Bethany's antics last night.

As we laughed at how the girls will never change, my phone vibrated. As I turned it over, my eyes immediately widened as I seen her name on my phone.

Leah Williamson

Good afternoon! How are you feeling today? I hope your head isn't too sore xx

My emotions instantly became elated. Unable to contain my excitement that she had messaged me once again. Causing Louise to raise her eyebrows as she noticed the difference shift from my body language.

"And who has caught your attention?" Louise questioned raising an eyebrow as she stared intently at me.

"Oh erm, just a friend" I muttered, unable to withdraw my attention away from the message on my phone screen.

"Mmhmm, if you say so."

Ignoring Louise's comment, I rapidly began to respond to Leah.

Leah Williamson

Good afternoon! How are you feeling today? I hope your head isn't too sore xx


Hello you! Yeah, I'm not too bad now still a little fragile but not as bad as this morning. How're you feeling?xx

Leah Williamson

Oh, you are lucky! I feel as though I'm getting worse as the day goes on xx

Are you up to much today?x


You need to take some painkillers and keep yourself hydrated, also plenty of naps!x

Leah Williamson

Naps are better when you have someone to nap with xx

She wasn't wrong, naps are better when you have someone to cuddle. Am I reading into this wrongly or is she flirting/hinting?

Just before I could gather my thoughts, another message came through.

Leah Williamson

If you're free, do you fancy coming round and keeping me company? XX


I'm just in London at the moment shopping with my cousin. I'll be home in an hour or so, so I could come around about 6pm if you want me too x

Leah Williamson

Of course I want you too, 6 sounds great.. Here's my address.... Let me know when you're on your way xx

I'm currently in a state of disbelief. Is this really happening, I'm going round to Leah Williamson's house.

I decided not to tell Louise about Leah, after all, there was nothing to tell we were just friends. For now. 

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