14 - Intimate

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Forgetting is like a wound. The wound may heal, but it has already left a scar. 

~ Monkey D. Luffy




Izuku's cheeks flushed, his head pressing back against Katsuki's pillow. This wasn't the first time he had ended up on Bakugou's bed - But this was surely the first time he found the blond on top of him like this. 

"You won't leave a mark, right?" He hummed, his voice cracking as he looked up to the white ceiling. He nervously chewed at his lip as he watched Katsuki's trace over his collar bone, leaving damp stamps at every kiss he left. 

"No promises." 

"Kacchan, I don't want any hickeys... What if my mom sees? She'll know something is up, and I'm a terrible liar." The greenette huffed, gently pushing himself up. He watched as his boyfriend sat back, sighing. 

"It's just one hickey. You can tell her it's a bruise - She'll believe your clumsy ass." He hissed, cocking a brow. "Why won't you let me? I've been trying to for a while now. Don't you fucking trust me?" 

Midoriya tensed, looking down at his partner's tone. Bakugou had been acting strange for a few days now - Being far more irritable than usual and basically demanding for alone time with the freckled man at whatever chance he got. Izuku didn't mind; he loved spending time with the blond. Only, he didn't enjoy being told off every time he refused to go along with something the other found romantic. 

"I just don't want you to leave anything on me. You know hickeys can get infected, right? I don't want to risk anything. Can't you just... Please. You should respect my wishes, as my boyfriend. Don't pressure anything on me okay? Please?" Midoriya whined, looking up to meet angered crimsons. 

"Then why the fuck do you even agree to come over after school? Hm? I invite you here to spend some time with me, alone, and you want nothing to do with it." Katsuki snarled. "You've been rejecting all of my advances. Why?" 

"Because-" The greenette choked, his throat tightening in a ball of nerves. "They throw me off. You've been so touchy, ever since the Halloween party. It's weird and it makes me a little uncomfortable. Shouldn't we talk about this kind of stuff?" He whined, looking down to freckled hands. Midoriya paused as he waited for his boyfriend's response, the ticking of the clock being the only thing heard for a few seconds. 

"I just want to get closer with you. We've been dating for a whole month already and we haven't done anything but kiss. I just want to get more intimate with the guy I love, is that such a bad thing?" The blond spoke, lies slipping off his tongue with ease. 

Izuku tensed, chewing at his lip as his thoughts swirled. 
"Maybe we could introduce each other to our parents?" He suggested, picking at his nails. "I know that isn't what you're aiming for, but I think that would be a good step to take next." He hummed. "And maybe we can stop spending so much time with each other, for a bit. You know - Our friends are probably missing us, too." 

"How the fuck am I supposed to get you..." Bakugou choked, pausing as he met emeralds. "... To love me more, if we don't spend this much time together?" His voice lowered as he looked down. His shoulders tensed as his boyfriend giggled, shaking his head. 

"There is no way that I can love you more than I do already." Midoriya sighed, a smile creeping onto his lips. He paused as he watched his boyfriend fidget, fingers suddenly reaching out to grab his hand. 

"Can I just touch you, a little?" The blond huffed, looking up with pleading eyes. His eyes glued to freckled features, admiring how soft cheeks burned a deep shade of red. "My parents aren't coming home until late tonight... You can meet then next time you come over. Can we just have a bit of alone time, please? We're boyfriends, and I want to get to know you on a different level."  

"Kacchan..." Izuku whined, his heart threatening to break out of his ribcage. "I don't know. You're known to have sex with a lot of people, you know? And then you just shove them aside." The greenette whimpered, his heart aching at the thought. Ever since he was little, he was an overthinker. But in moments like these, he couldn't help but let his thoughts take over. Katsuki was a very attractive guy - And Izuku still struggled to understand why the blond was into him. 

"You know that's bullshit, Deku. I love you. Sure, I've had a few partners in the past, and things didn't work out with them. But that was only a couple of times - 3 at max. Please, trust me." He hissed, his chest suddenly swelling with warmth. He was lying, yet again. 3 was only a small fraction of the amount of times Bakugou had gotten laid. But he was so pent up after spending numerous months without sex, he couldn't help but let his lies get more extreme. He was desperate and so close to getting what he wanted, but he could tell something was holding his boyfriend back from taking this step. 

"I know, you've told me that before. And I know you wouldn't want to hurt me. But we've only been dating for a little bit. Going all the way is a little soon for me, that's all I'm saying." Midoriya muttered, tripping over his words as he spoke. "I'm just not ready to have sex, that's all. I've never done it before and I don't think I'm mentally prepared." 

"What about a blowjob, then?" Katsuki was quick to shoot, watching freckled features turn red once more. His chest tightened as he watched Midoriya's bottom lip quiver, his hand becoming sweaty. A sigh escaped the blond's lips as he looked down, speaking up once more. "I'm just saying - We don't have to go all the way. But I want to go somewhere, y'know? So can you let me have you for a bit? I won't do anything you're not comfortable with." He mumbled, his voice low as he inched closer to the greenette's face. 

Crimsons met emeralds only moments before lips collided, a hum escaping Izuku's throat after he pulled away. "If you promise not to take things too far and to respect my boundaries... Then fine." He timidly smiled, a blush covering his face. His heart rate increased as his boyfriend's lips pressed against his once again, his body being gently pushed back against soft pillows. His body burned as Katsuki's fingers traced around the hem of his pants, gently removing his T-Shirt to show off his chest and stomach. 

"Is this okay?" The blond huffed, throwing the white shirt aside. 

"Yeah - But that's all. I don't want you to take anything else off." Midoriya muttered back, wrapping his arms around his partner's neck. He shyly smiled as they engaged in a heated kiss, Bakugou leaning down to press gentle pecks around the freckled teen's collarbone.
"And, uh... You can leave a hickey, as long as nobody will see it." 


I'm so sorry this update was so sucky - Hopefully the next one will be better. I love you all so much and I hope you still stick around. <3

- Sucky Author


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