Chapter 18

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♡Sapnap pov♡

The police were trying to track down Punz. Karl wasn't answering his phone, obviously. Punz had probably taken it.

I heard a quiet sob from beside me.

George was crying again. Dream is asleep in one of the waiting room chairs.

I carefully wrapped my arm around George, and he leaned against me. He buried his face in my shoulder.

We need Karl back and soon.

♡Karl pov♡

My eyes flew open as I was dragged out of the car. I looked around at my surroundings. Trees surrounded a small house. Punz grabbed my arm tightly and forced me to walk towards the house. We got to the house, and he shoved me inside. He slammed the door shut behind us.

"Fucking bitch!" He yelled.

He slapped me hard across the face. He didn't even let me recover before he punched me. It hit my nose.

"You ruined my fucking life!" He yelled.

He grabbed me and threw me to the floor. He grabbed a lighter from off a small table and grabbed my wrist.

"Cut yourself again. Pathetic." He muttered.

He sparked the lighter, and a small flame erupted. He kept a tight hold on my wrist as he brought the lighter far too close to my skin. I cried out and tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let me.

"Stop! Please!" I screamed out.

He let my skin burn until it was blistered and red. He finally let me go. My arm was shaking uncontrollably.

It hurts so fucking bad. I've never felt pain like this before.

"Take this now." He demanded.

There was an assortment of pills in his hand.

I don't want to do this. You shouldn't mix pills.

"I-I can't." I stuttered through sobs.

"Take them now or I'll fucking kill you!" He yelled.

I slowly reached my hand out, and he dropped them into my palm. There were 10 pills in total. All different colors and sizes. A glass of water was set in front of me. I noticed he had a gun in his hand.

He'll actually kill me if I don't.

One by one, I took the pills. He left the small, one roomed house, and I heard him lock the door. I heard his car start and he drove away. I began feeling sick to my stomach.

It's better if I throw them up. I need to.

I opened my mouth and forced my fingers down my throat. I was already nauseous, so I threw up right away. My vision began blacking out.

Sleeping pills. They set in fast. I wouldn't have had time to throw them up.

I felt myself falling.

♡Sapnap pov♡

The only thing they've told us so far is that he left the city we were in. They also know he has a gun.

They aren't trying hard enough. Karl might be dead.

"Hey, are we making the tweets?" Dream asked.

I nodded and averted my attention to my phone.

●Sapnap: I do not want to address the situation on the stream. I also don't want to say a lot about it as it's nobody's business but ours. Karl didn't run away because he got called out. He didn't run away at all. Punz is a liar, and I'm disappointed you guys would believe him with little to no evidence. George, Dream, and I will be taking a break off the internet for a while. We need time to process things and get our emotions straight. Thank you.

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