Chapter 3

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New TW: throwing up

♡Karl pov♡

"What?" I asked.

He looked down at my phone, which was lying on the cement.

'Hang up,' he mouthed.

I grabbed the phone.

"-you okay?"

"Sap, I have to go. I'll text you later." I stated.

"Karl, don't hang up. Please. Tell me what's going on." He begged.

I glanced up, Punz was staring me down.

"I have to go." I mumbled.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and hung up. Punz took the phone from me and put it in his pocket. He grabbed my arm and pulled me off the ground. His hand slapped me hard across the face.

"You were trying to do something with Silas, and you thought I wouldn't find out?" He asked.

He slammed me against the side of the building.

"I-I didn't - you don't understand. Just let me tell you what happened." I begged.

"He told me what happened." He stated.

I felt tears start running down my face again.

"He's lying! He's fucking lying! I didn't do anything! I-I told him to stop." I stuttered.

Punz's grip loosened on me just a bit as I broke down sobbing. He let go of me completely, and I felt back down to the cement. I buried my head in my hands.

"Oh. Right. You're asexual." He muttered.

He doesn't care enough to remember things like that.

"Did he like - did he touch you or something?" He asked.

He didn't sound like he cared. I don't think he does.

I nodded anyway.

"Oh." He mumbled.

I curled myself into a ball.

"Okay, well, if you don't get up, I'm leaving you here. You can call an Uber or something." He said.

I didn't move from my place on the ground. I heard his footsteps walking away. I still stayed in the same position. I pulled my head out of my knees a bit just in time to see his car pulling out of the parking lot.

I don't have money. Fuck. What do I do? How do I get home?

I slowly pulled myself off the ground and took my phone out of my pocket. I walked across the parking lot and to the sidewalk. The road is busy as fuck. I heard a whistle.

"Hey, do you need a ride?"

I looked to see 2 older men approaching me. I quickly went to my contacts and clicked the first one I could see. It began ringing, and I started walking.

"Karl? Are you okay?"

I fucking called Sapnap. Jesus christ. Just my luck.

"Come on! Just let us give you a ride!"

They were following me. I felt a sob escape my throat.

"What's going on?"

"Sapnap I'm so fucking scared. He-he left me and-and-"

I stuttered, gasping for air.

I heard one of the men whistle again.

"I don't know what to do. I'm so -so scared." I stuttered through sobs.

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