That's why I forced her to marry me. I am a man of action, you don't let a good thing slip from your hands.

The knock at my door pulls me from my thoughts.


My secretary Giselle comes in looking radiant.

I smile softly.

"Giselle my dear?"

She smiles happily.

"Sir, the papers came through, you got the deal!" She exclaims happily.

I nod, my hard work paid off.

I walk to her and grab her hands. Giselle was a beautiful woman who I was very greatly to have in my life. She knew all about Malèna, and she exclaimed that she was amused to see I wanted a "sister."

"Help me pick a ring will you?"

"Of course, of course."

Giselle was my friend from Oxford University, she was quick-witted and the best in her business class. We met when we worked on a global project together. She was so bright for her age, a first year while I was a senior. We became lifetime friends and I begged her to work for my company when she graduated. Even though she's my 'secretary', she's actually an executive.

"How is your family?"

I roll my eyes.

It was a known fact that my brother had a huge crush on Giselle. He would come to my work every day to 'visit me' when she first came to work here. His 'visits' consisted of looking for Gisellle and stare at her from the windows.

I banned him because Giselle as much as she was flattered, was in a relationship at the time and politely voiced her concerns.

Julien is so shameless sometimes I wonder how we are related, despite it, I love him dearly.

I sigh deeply. 

"They're good. My mother misses you, you have not visited, and for good reason. Julien lives there..."

She chuckles.

"I would like to meet your fiancè, I will visit your family this evening and we can head to your house together?"

Does not help that Malèna's not speaking to me, this would look bad. I need to tell her that my female friend is visiting.

"Uh, let's maybe just go to the family house today and maybe another day when we prepare for guests I'll invite you."

Giselle's almond eyes turn to me.

She nods not pressing the issue.

I look at my watch.

"We can leave now, we closed the deal and it's six."

"Fine by me." She smiles.

I purse my lips thinning about the rat race Julien is going to give when he finally sees Giselle again.

Giselle is certainly a beauty, with large curly hair that she straightened, deep almond eyes, and full lips. Her face is angular, reflecting contour and shadows. Her outfits were exceptional and highlighted her tall and slender build.

Not to mention the fact that she's my sister's best friend.

Julien does not deserve her.

He's gory, and ill-mannered. He sleeps around all the time and goes to the club all the time. So many times I was awoken from my sleep well into the night from a call.

Drove in the dark to find him in a private room in a club passed out over a table, or a half-naked stripper, white powder lining his nostrils.

He almsot overdoes once. Giselle rushed with me and when he heard she was with me he blocked the nurses from letting us in. I pushed in and she followed.

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