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My heart stutters and my body freezes hearing the voice of my creditor.

"What do you need?"

"I-I need my pictures, it's the second drawer to the left, my clothes-"

"Forget your clothes! My wife will not wear rags" he grumbles out.

He wades through the water not caring about his expensive clothes and shoves the bedroom door open, he retrieves my album photos and heads back.

I notice Remi is not in the house meaning he has left. He will be okay without me.

I take the album exhaling in relief and he grabs my hand pulling me away from the apartment. I follow his large frame from behind just staring at his firm grip on my hand.

A short and angry frame meets us before we reach the door.

"Mademoiselle Ruth!"

I puff out in frustration.

" Je te poursuis, vous avez ruiné ma propriété! Vous êtes censé fermer la fenêtre pour éviter la pluie" (I am suing you, you have ruined my property! You know you are supposed to close the windows to avoid rain!)

I was about to open my mouth to argue back when Alexandre steps in front of me and stares down at the short bald man menacingly.

"Vous et moi savons tous les deux que la pluie n'aurait pas pu causer autant de dégâts. Tu lui as vendu ce trou à merde et je fais signaler tout cet immeuble par le ministère" (You and I both know that rain could not have caused this much damage. You sold her this shithole and I am getting this entire building flagged by the ministry)


Mr. Pierre's short and stout frame shakes in fury as his face burns red in anger. He is so mad you could almost see hair sprout from his shiny and smooth head.

I bite my lip to hide my laughter.

"Maintenant, écartez-vous du chemin avant ou tu vas le regretter" (Now move out of the way or you will be sorry.)

Mr.Pierre glares at us and scurries away to inspect the damage.

"et elle résilie son bail" (and she is canceling her lease), Alexandre calls out.

He guides us out of the building in wet clothes and back into his car.

He takes off his coat and puts it on my frame as I shiver.

I watch him turn on the car and look at his strong muscular frame shrouded in a black turtleneck.

He catches me looking and I turn away quickly.

In my peripheral, he shakes his head

"How could you stay in a place like that?!"

I look at him in disbelief.

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