40 - Number four

Comincia dall'inizio

She smiled. "Originally, it was Evans Landing."


"Seriously?" Both Will and Kat were surprised. Will said, "I never knew."

"That's going back to the time of the town charter in 1729. When a second house was built on the other end, they called it The Point house."

"The Evans house is still there. What happened to The Point house?"

"It was demolished around 1900, but the name stuck. The first hotel was built in the twenties. It burned and was rebuilt twice. It wasn't until after the second world war that cottages started popping up. The streets were dirt and gravel, first street though fifth street."

"My family has had a cottage my whole life, and I never knew any of this."

"Descendants of the original Evans still own the home."

"I know that much. Maddie recommended we come here."

"Madelyn Evans, her grandmother, volunteered here in the winter. She left family documents to us in her will."

"We were hoping you had records to show who owned a cottage in the fifties."

"Or if the Evans account ledger had addresses."

She looked at Will and nodded. "They did. I find the prices fascinating."

"I worked for Todd. He told me how they used to do it."

"I'll get the ledgers, but we have a few things that might be helpful. Unfortunately, the census data doesn't help because they were second homes."

Kat asked, "Tax records might. When was the store built?"

"When the cottages were going up. I have pictures of the original around here somewhere."

The place wasn't as organized as Kat had expected. When the woman started to lift old leather books, Will sprang forward. "Let me help."

She pointed to a box labeled Evans on a shelf. Will lifted his arms and Kat gazed at the swarth of abs that showed as his shirt lifted away from his waistband nestled around his hips. She crossed her legs to stop the heat. Physically, he was perfect.

The box reminded her of the one filled with her grandfather's memories. Looking through she recognized a few homes and cottages. Some had names on the back. Mary and Rose. The Dames. Little Todd. She smiled and showed it to Will who carried over the ledger.

"I'll look in these. What year should I start?"

"Any I suppose, but only look in the summer."

She kept looking and set aside photos of The Landing. Will's bent head looked serious as he scanned each page. They looked in silence until Will said, "Is this it?"

The ink was smudged, but it looked like P-E-T-R. "Maybe. I hope so. Can you see the street?"

"Fifth. I think. That would be Gull. I'll keep looking." He took out his phone. "This was a Monday. They would have stayed the week. I assume."

The woman said, "The turnpike opened to Portland in 1947, but it was a long drive, since the speed limit wasn't seventy like today."

"What did your great grandfather do?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. I wish I knew more."

"I'll keep looking." Will bent his head. Meanwhile, Kat took pictures of the old Landing photos.

"Here it is again. Flounder. Petringa. Fifth number four. That's across from Cole's house, because Lana is number five." He smiled. "We found it." He took out his phone to take a photo, then he tapped. Her phone vibrated with the picture, but he kept tapping.

"Who are you texting?"

"I want to see if it's one of Lana's cottages. If it is we can go inside."

"It had to have been updated."

"I know, but just think your grandparents were there."

"Now you have an address, you can research the ownership on the town portal."

"Maybe I can make an offer on it."

Kat looked at him. "Why would you?"

"I like my condo, but I want a cottage and you would know it was in good hands."

Kat couldn't believe he would even try. "Do you think we could go inside?"

He looked at his phone and nodded. "John has the key."

Kat felt the first tear drip. "I was content just knowing they had been on the beach. Knowing which cottages makes me feel closer to them." Kat tried to chuckle as she wiped her eyes.

"The past is quite moving. Isn't it, dear?"

Kat nodded. "Thank you for this."

When they stepped out of the musty room, Kat shivered even though it was in the fifties. Will rubbed her arms. "Do you want to go look? We can stop by the Harris's condo."

"Yes. Definitely."

When Will pulled into the complex, she turned to him. "Which one is yours?"

"In the back. I have a marsh view. You are welcome anytime." He parked the truck. "I'll run to the door."

Kat watched as he spoke to John in the doorway and jogged back. "What did he say?"

"It's amazing we found which cottage it was."

The Landing parking lot was almost empty, but it was only three-thirty. Will drove past and parked in front of the house on the street. He smiled reassuringly. "Ready?"

She nodded and climbed out. Silently she said, "Pops, I found it. I miss you."

The inside was damp and cold. It wasn't as modern as Rory's. The painted wood floor could be original. Did they walk on them? Will walked around and opened closet doors. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for something. Sometimes kids carve their initials. Your grandmother would be LP."

As she walked from room to room, she tried to feel their presence. More tears dripped.

Will returned. "I didn't find anything. Are you okay?"

She shook her head as Will's arms embraced her. "No, it's the first anniversary today."

"Oh, Kat. I'm sorry.

She pulled back and wiped her eyes with her palms. "I should go home. I'm not good company."

Will stepped back. "I'll drive you."

She shook her head. "I think I want to walk."

It wasn't cold, or dark, so he had to let her. She watched as he drove away. At least, the weirdness between them was gone.

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