Will smiled. "I missed you when I was gone." He resisted the urge to say home; he was at home. Even down the narrow road in his condo.

Kat called to Sam. "Your order is ready."

Rory turned back and smiled before she stepped over to Kat. "Hey, we've invited a few friends over tomorrow night. Come after you close."

Will didn't hear Kat's answer, but a few moments later, she walked over to him and sat down. The seats weren't full and Alex had installed the ledge along the wall, but they mostly used it in the morning.

"Here. I saved it. White chocolate chunk."

He smiled. "I saw the post."

Kat looked at his face an extra second before clearing her throat. "Rory invited me over."

"I heard her, but not your response."

"I said okay. They are a nice couple."

"Sam's cooking. You'll enjoy the treat."

"I need to go up and bake something after we close.

"I could, um, help you."

"You. Bake?"

"I could try. I want to help since I'll bring something like a bottle of wine and a six-pack."

"I'd like to see what you choose for wine."

"I'm not above taking suggestions."

As Kat laughed, Will felt it in places better left dormant. "You help me and I'll pick a nice wine, mister moneybags."

"I liked it better when you thought I was a lifeguard."

She looked at her wrist. "Time to turn the sign."

"Did you sell all the stew?"

She smiled. "Your friends got the last serving. They had to split a lobster roll to go with it."

"Neither looked upset about not getting two servings."

"They weren't, but I threw some broken cookies in. I couldn't sell them."

"I'm surprised you don't save the crumbs and make something with them."

She smiled. "I cookie trifle with a creamy custard. Maybe for a date night."

"Whatever you said, I'm sure it'll be delicious. I have to workout twice as hard to stay in shape."

She reached out and squeezed his arm. "You're in shape. I should have you help me the next time I make pastry."

"I'll help with anything."

As she walked away to lock the door, he winced. He sounded like a puppy in heat.

"I need to finish closing."

He listened while she told the new guy Gavin he could go. Kat had debated with Will the decision to hire the young man. The last thing he wanted was to be accused of being discriminatory, but Will couldn't say that. It looked like the guy could do the job.

Will stood and walked closer to Kat as she wiped down the stove area. "How's the kid working out?"

"He's okay. I can't joke with him like I do the others. He's a hard worker and doesn't complain."

"Can he handle the summer rush?"

Kat bit her lip. "Can anyone? I've been thinking we need two registers. Take the orders quicker when it's busy."

"You'll need more staff."

When would it end? Another computer and higher payroll, but the sales kept going up. Will could spend hours reading through Yelp reviews. The only negative thing anyone said was get there early because specials sold out fast. People loved everything Kat offered.

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