Neither girl was fat, but they weren't petite. By skimpy, she probably meant sexy nurse, cat, etc... "I should go find my nurse."

He pushed his way to the liquor. The guy behind the table was pouring booze in a cup. "Try this." He smiled like he wanted to taste something sexy. It had better not be the nurse.

Nick put his arm around Trinity and whispered, "Nurse. I need some mouth to mouth."

She pulled away and turned to face him. "Why were you talking to that girl?"

He shrugged. "She's nice, and you disappeared."

"She's. She's. You embarrassed yourself by being seen with her. I don't know why she came. Why can't the losers just stay home?"

Nick stared at her before putting his hands up. "I'm outta here."

He turned and pushed his way past people. Let someone else babysit her. If the guy serving drinks wanted to get her drunk and take advantage of her, he was wasting his time. Trinity didn't need to be drunk. He trusted her, but before they dated, she hooked up all the time. He didn't care. His grandmother's words came back to him. She was self-centered and unkind.

Even April thought he was a fool for dating her. As he pushed through to the door, he saw her and her friend. It was obvious what Trinity was going to say about her. She wasn't jealous. He stopped in front of the couple. "Hey, do you want my other ticket? You'll be more fun than..."

"Your sexy nurse?"

"Yeah. I'll message you." She smiled.

He wanted to call Sophie because he didn't understand females. Trinity thought April wasn't worth it because she was an outstanding student and apparently had a girlfriend. Nick had never noticed nor did he care. It was obvious April and her girlfriend didn't respect Trinity because she wasn't studious. He winced, probably because she was slutty too. Did that make him a fool? Why did it take a cat, a vampire, and a co-ed for him to see it?

People told him, but he didn't listen. As he walked home, he kept thinking Ivy would have hated her. She was more apt to be hanging out with friends than partying. Granted, she went to a small school in New Hampshire, not a large university. She also had gay friends in high school and in college. Her roommate freshman year was a lesbian. Nick remembered all his friends discussing it. Ben had voiced the question he wondered about. "Wouldn't it be awkward if she liked you?"

Ivy laughed. "Just because I'm a girl she won't automatically like me. I'm friends with boys and they don't like me. Right Nick?"

"Um, right?"

Then Sophie went on about the past when people had to stay in the closet, and plenty had roommates. None of his friends judged or showed any unkindness. Nick's gut told him Trinity was on the verge of saying something mean. Stop kidding yourself, she was always mean, especially around her friends.

Nick woke to banging on his door. Was someone in trouble? He threw open his door. Trinity stood there with a scowl. "How did you get in?"

"I had to stand outside. You didn't answer your phone."

"I was asleep." If he knew who let her in, he would write them up. It was against the rules to let people in. Only the person the guest was visiting could let them in. People broke the rules all the time, but at one am, it was a different story.

He let her in so he wasn't written up for a noise complaint. "You left me."

"Like you care. You were mean."

She stamped her foot like Abbie did when she was five. "I was just telling the truth."

"Your truth not mine. April is a Buffalo fan, so I invited her to the game with me."

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