The lunch crowd dwindled as the afternoon wore on. Janice left, leaving Kat on her own until Martha arrived for her shift. She took an inventory of the storeroom with her ears on the bell. At least she didn't want to change the tingling. She loved the quaint sound.

She stopped counting the coffee supply when the door opened. Mid step out of the storeroom she froze. "Wha. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you."

She looked him over. He looked healthy, but she didn't feel warmth towards him. "You should go. I'm working."

"Here?" He looked around. "In a convenience store."

"It's a lot more. It's a restaurant and bakery. I'll give you a cup of coffee for your drive back to Boston."

He stepped up to the counter. "I came to talk to you."

Refusing to step closer, she shook her head. "I have nothing to say to you. Oh yeah, I do. Where the fuck is my money?"

He grimaced. "Your lawyer. The police. Everyone wants a piece of me. I'm waiting tables again."

She spat, "How come you got a job and I couldn't?"

"I've got a line on jobs in Vail for the winter. You can cook. I'll wait tables. We'll bring in the big bucks."

"Good, you can pay back our suppliers. You took everything from me, every last ounce of dignity."

"So you came here?" He looked around with a frown.

"I like it here."

They faced each other like an old west shootout. Kat's hands were planted on her hips. The bell rang and Abbie Brenner bounced in with the two Bennett girls.

"Hi Kat. We need milk."

"There's some in the case."

She took a few steps closer. The girls returned with a half gallon and some candy. "What cookies are you making tomorrow?"

"It's a surprise." She tried to laugh, but didn't pull it off.

They grumbled and left. Even Bryce turned to watch them go. "You sell milk and..." He looked at the board. "What's Rick's coffee?"

"The best coffee ever, named after the former owner."

He frowned. "You don't own this place?"

"No! I couldn't afford it even before you stole from me."

A woman entered and stood back reading the menu. Kat squared herself at the counter with a smile.

He sighed. "Can't you forget about my mistakes for a minute?"

"Are you ready to order?"

As the customer stepped forward, she said, "Everyone keeps mentioning how great this place is. I was driving down Route One and decided to take a detour to bring home some dinner."

"I'm glad you stopped. Can I answer any questions?"

With a shake of her head, she said, "I'm ready." She continued by ordering four sandwiches and Will's salad.

Bryce studied the menu while Kat completed the order. "It won't be too long."

She turned away from her ex and took a deep breath. At the grill, she buttered the two rolls. While they browned, she prepared the chicken pesto for the grill. In no time, she filled the rolls with lobster meat and assembled the salad. After cutting the melts down the middle, she wrapped the warm sandwiches.

As she handed the bag over, she smiled. "Enjoy. Follow us to see our specials. Tomorrow afternoon, I'll have fresh-baked cookies."

Bryce mimicked her. "Cookies. You're better than cookies."

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