11 - Eleven - Sam Wood's Point Of View.

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Reid and I parted after my rut cycle ended, and returned to work like nothing happened. His scent lingered on my skin still three days after, and I was sick of my coworkers wanting to bring it up.

Relaxing my shoulders, I exhaled and grabbed my tea. It was warm, but not fresh. My pile of work was larger than I cared to have and that meant overtime to catch up. Sipping my tea, I set the cup back down and opened a new file.

The file contained information about a heavily pregnant omega with a pheromone production issue. I would have to exercise caution when dealing with this case because it could cause issues with my very own pheromones.

Exposure to heavy amounts of omega pregnancy pheromones in very rare cases can cause a recessive Alpha to become pregnant or mimic pregnancy.

Neither of which I was on track to want to test out. Pinching my nose in frustration, I let out a deep sigh. Grabbing the file, I stood up and walked to the front desk.

"Contact this patient and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Thank you."

"Got it. I'll move things around if I have to."

"Sounds good,"

Heading back to my office, Doctor Connell grabbed me before I could get there.

"Perfect, you're just in time. I need you to do me a favour, Doctor Woods."

"What's the favour?"

"Take this to Mr Clarke. He asked for me to bring it, but I have a person waiting to see me."

"Fine. Yeah, I can do that." I sighed.

"Don't sigh, you get to see Reid," Doctor Connell said, after handing me the paperwork. Heading to top floor offices, Reid's scent was lingering, and it calmed me.

Knocking on the door, I heard Reid tell me to come in. He was on the phone, and held his finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet. He let out his pheromones slowly and steadily. It felt like he was wrapped around me again, like he had been while I rutted.

He hung up the phone a short time later.

"What can I help you with, Doctor Woods?"

"Doctor Connell asked me to bring you this set of files, and---"

"Did he have you take a test as well, Doctor Woods?"


"I see. I would understand why you wouldn't be aware of the testing. Though, you should be tested too. I'm sure it's fine. I'll make you aware should anyone come back positive."

"Tested for what, exactly?"

"Per hospital guidelines, Doctor Connell and the rest of the Omegas have quarterly pregnancy tests done to ensure the safety of all people who visit our hospital. Since, I'm sure you're aware of what could happen if any of our resident recessive Alpha's were to be accidentally exposed continuously by omega pregnancy pheromones."

"I see. I was truly unaware that such testing took place." I said, passing him the files. I turned to leave.

"Sit. Let me go through your floors tests and---"

"Mr Clarke, I have work---"

"Reid. Call me Reid. We are alone."

"Reid, I'm returning to my floor. I have work to do. I can't sit and wait for whatever, besides that is confidential information."

He set the file on top of a couple more before he turned his attention back to me.

"Return to your floor, Samuel. If I need you, I know where you are."

Reid. [M/M]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora