06 - Six - Sam Wood's Point Of View.

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I slipped out of the hospital and into my car after my shift. Feeling pretty good about my accomplishment, I relaxed on the drive home. Pulling my car into the underground parking lot when I got to my apartment building. I parked in my spot, grabbed my things, and locked my car. Using the stairs to get to my floor was faster. Loud voices chatted in my hallway, and I ignored it. I was on a mission. I just wanted to have a shower and nap.

Walking up to my door. A problem was standing there, looking sharp in his suit, his hair slicked back, talking with my neighbour.

"You kept me waiting long enough, Samuel."

"Just how did you get here before me, and how do you know where I live?" I hissed.

Unlocking the door to my apartment, I went inside and he stood there.

"If you're going to stand out in the hall all night, be my guest. But don't do it right there."

He came inside, removing my keys from the lock and closing the door. He flipped the latch on the door and hummed. "I had a gut feeling you were going to skip dinner. Figured I might as well meet you here."

"How nice, but I'm not interested in dinner. I'm interested in a shower and a long nap." I muttered, setting my coat on the hook and taking my keys from Reid. I dropped them on the kitchen counter and stretched my arm up over my head.

"Sorry, my place isn't as large as yours, and not as quiet either," I said, before frowning.

"Large isn't always better. I have a condo far closer to the hospital that I normally stay in. It's a two-minute walk away."

"Why have a condo when you have a house?" I asked, confused.

"My family is too close sometimes. I like my privacy too," he said, taking off his suit jacket and slinging it over the back of one chair at the kitchen island. The tie that he was wearing earlier was already gone, and the top two buttons of his dress shirt were undone.

"Reid, I meant it when I said that us sleeping together would be a onetime thing." I said, firmly.

"Did I mention us sleeping together again now?" he said, smirking. "Besides, I still have the bruises you left on my shoulder when you dug your fingertips into my skin, begging me to fuck you deeper and faster."

"I did no such thing."

Warmth hit my cheeks, and I knew I was flushed from his comment. It was the truth; I had said that, but I didn't want him to repeat it back to me. Not when I was trying to tell him I wasn't interested in any more sex with him. But just who was I trying to convince of that, him or me?

"I don't know why you have to lie to yourself about enjoying it, Samuel. You liked it, and your pheromones right now are telling me you want more. So why lie about it?"

"Listen Reid, I didn't go to your house to help you in that way. I was just going to make sure you were fine and leave. That was it. Then we just happened to have sex—---"

"For three days straight."

"You were in a rut."

"You made a deal to stay with me, and you didn't push me away. You could have at any point pushed me away, Samuel."

"I'm going to shower. Stay or go, I don't care." I yelled, feeling attacked suddenly.

"Don't walk away from me while we are talking." He said calmly.

"I'll do what the hell I want!" I yelled, turning and getting in his face. "You are not the boss—--"

He pressed his lips to mine. His tongue slipped into my mouth, and his stupid pheromone coated my tongue. He ended the kiss and stopped me when I tried to kiss him again.

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