01 - One - Sam Wood's Point Of View.

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Leaving my office after the headache subsided, I reeled my pheromones back in, and went to check on the kid, Oak. Grabbing the chart, I knocked and opened the door. Reid was still here, sitting with his brother while they discussed things. Oak wore a face of discomfort, but I didn't know if that was because of the rut cycle, or his brother.

"Sorry for intruding. I wanted to check on you and make sure you were alright." I said, flicking through the file at the last observation.

"I apologize for blasting you with my pheromones earlier." Oak said.

"I'm far more used to it than you might expect." I said, coming closer to check his vitals.

I heard him breathe in. "You smell like coffee." He hummed. "Whatever kind of coffee it is, it smells great." He laughed. Not trying to make this awkward, I replied.

"Ask your brother, Mr Clarke. He would know what coffee they serve here at the hospital." I said. Stepping back. "I would like to set you up with an appointment with Doctor Connell or I for proper suppressants. That way, this doesn't happen again. There is a difference in suppressants given to recessive and dominant Alphas."

"He won't need that." Reid said, firmly.

"With all due respect, Mr Clarke. My patient is your brother, not you. He is an adult who can make his own choices about his body and the medication he puts in it." I said, my aggravation peaking, and my pheromone trickling out. The scent of coffee heavily scenting the air.

"I would like to speak to you in your office, Doctor Woods." Reid said.

"Reid. Enough." Oak said, pulling a hand through his hair, looking annoyed.

"You will have to wait. I have another—--"

"I don't wait for anyone, Doctor Woods. Now." Reid said, and Oak went to do something, but Reid gave him a stern look, and he retracted his hand. Heading to my office, the window was still open when I opened the door, but the smell of my pheromone lingered from earlier.

"Please, have a seat." I muttered, sitting in my chair, and Reid took the chair across the desk from me.

"My brother does not need an appointment here to get proper medication. He needs to listen and follow proper orders. At any point, he could have asked for proper suppression medication. He did not." Reid said that Alpha behaviour finding holes in my wall of kindness and chipping away at it.

"Need I remind you, Mr Clarke, I am a doctor trained in pheromones and after today's accident, I am offering—--"

"Do all you recessive Alpha's not listen?" He said, his tone bitter, and his scent creeping into the room.

"Pardon?" I said. Not sure if I was actually hearing what he asked.

"I said, do all you recessive Alpha's lack the ability to listen?"

That was the comment that broke the hold on my pheromones. Thick coffee scent flooded the room, and I could taste it. My pheromones. "You are disrespectful, ignorant, your behaviour is completely undesirable. Mr Clarke, frankly, I think you're an asshole. Now get out of my office."

Reid didn't move.

Rather, he relaxed into the chair, and slowly his scent was taking over my space again. He was seeing how far he could push his pheromones to make me uncomfortable. Crossing my arms, I sighed. "If you're done trying to intimidate me, Mr Clarke, I have people, including your brother, to look after."

"What makes you think after the names you called me, you wouldn't be fired?"

"Until you decide to fire me or not, I have work to do." I said, standing up and leaving the office. I only had two hours left of my shift, maybe less if he actually fired me. After checking on all my patients, I went back to my office, and Reid was still in the same spot as before.

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