Chapter 37 - The Pillow

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"I'm home!!" Dream shouted into house. He took his shoes off and flung his bag on the floor by the stairs. He walked farther into the house and into the kitchen. Puffy was there talking to Phil...

Why is Phil here?, he's never around the house this much.

"Uhh- Phil what you doing here?!" Dream asked overly confused.

"Tommy wanted to have a play date with Tubbo again so I had to come along. Techno and Wilbur are here too" Phil replied taking a sip of his coffee.

"Where were you?" Puffy asked genuinely curious.

"The forest" Dream shrugged as he turned around to go to his room.

"Are you not going to go spend time with Wilbur and Techno?" Puffy asked.

"I can't." Dream simply put, "the PT highlights are soon and I always seem to get in trouble when I'm around Wilbur and Techno so I can't take the risk".

"If you 3 weren't so stupid you would be fine" Phil commented.

"Stupid is just another word for fun!" Dream exasperated.

"If you say so..." Phil responded.

"Why don't you read your book in the living room then?, that way you shouldn't get in trouble" Puffy explained looking at the boy stood on the first step.

"How would I know if I will or won't get in trouble" Dream grouched.

"Dream you were in a trance in detention from reading your book. If took me 5 minutes to get you to detach your mind from it" Phil laughed.

Puffy just smiled at him.

There was no harm in trying.

"If somebody takes my book off me and I attack them, will I get in trouble?" Dream asked already seeing how he could get in trouble.

"Depends on how bad you attack them" Puffy replied.

"I lunged at them-" Dream answered way too quickly.

"Then yes-" Phil answered.

Dream thought it over and went for it. He grabbed his book from his school bag and walked into the living room. Tubbo and Tommy were playing minecraft competitively. Wilbur was doing some homework and Techno was trying to coach Tommy and Tubbo how to play better.

Dream slipped into the room unnoticed and crept behind the 3 playing the video game and scaring them half to death. In the process of Tommy screaming, Wilbur also jumped.

"DREAMMM!" Tommy shouted looking at him angrily.

"Dream you have been in the room for less than 60 seconds and your already causing mayhem" Phil yelled walking into the room he was in.

"I- No!, I was merely making my presence known" Dream explained taking the seat at the very end of the couch leaning against the wall.

"Want a pillow?" Phil asked, picking one off the couch and holding it up.

"no thanks I'm good" Dream replied opening his book to where he left off.

"If you say so" Phil mumbled putting the pillow back on the couch, leaving the room to keep sane with Puffy.

"DREAMMMMMMMMM" Tommy yelled only to get ignored by Dream.

"Tommy he will not take any notice of you for at least an hour and a half" Tubbo explained his full attention to the minecraft on the screen.

"WHYYY!??" Tommy complained.

"He's reading, he will be in his own world. He allways is. Foolish had to take the book off him the other night because he wouldn't sleep" Tubbo continued explaining.

"Big D is actually a bookworm who would have thought!?" Tommy announced.

"He's not, he's just hyperfixated Tommy, and please stop yelling!" Techno explained covering his ears.

"He's what?!" Tommy asked.

"Hyperfixaed", Wilbur started, "He has ADHD, he will be constantly focusing on his current task, he won't take notice of anything else".

"So Big Ds a special kid?" Tommy asked confused.

"Yes." Tcehno replied to shut the boy up.

Tommy just laughed to himself and went back to gaming with tubbo.

Wilbur and Techno looked over to their friend. He looked so uncomfortable. He sat, back facing the wall and he was practically standing in a crouched position. Wilbur looked at Techno knowing they were both having the same thought process.

"Dream you sure you don't want a pillow" Techno asked, only receiving a small nod.

"What would you do if we gave you a pillow?" Wilbur challenged.

Dream just shook his head indicating that he really didn't want one. Wilbur ignored it and threw a pillow at him.

As soon as it hit the boy he flinched and threw it away from him.

"WILBUR! I SAID I DIDNT WANT A PILLOW!" Dream yelled angrily. 

"Dream he didn't mean it to come across threateningly" Techno responded.

Dream just growled under his breath.

"Why don't you want a pillow?" Tommy asked taking his attention away from the video game to see what was going on. Phil and Puffy had just so happened to enter the room at that moment.

[788 Words Total]

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