Chapter 8 - Calming Down

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As much as everything was quiet, Dreams rage was still flaming. Everyone could tell, just by the hormones in the air. The only person willing to walk up to Dream was Puffy.

Ever so slowly she walked over to him. He was glaring daggers at the submitted Alpha on the floor.

"Dream?" Puffy whispered. Dreams head immediately turned his head to see who was there. Slight fear struck in Puffy however Dreams face softened when seeing her as scared as she was.

Dream in that moment didn't care, he walked up to her and hugged her. Puffy accepted it a tear falling loose squeezing Dream slightly. Dreams anger was falling, the hug from Puffy was all he needed knowing she was safe and better. Black eyes turned to Maroon, and maroon to green.

"I want to go home now..." Dream whispered quietly into Puffy's ear so only she could hear.

"Okay Duckling, let's go home".

Without saying anything Dream led the way with Puffy following behind, leaving everyone to stand there questioning everything.

All of Dreams friends had signed out. The receptionists took leave and the nurse was sat in her office quietly keeping her distance from everyone. Jo and his Dad were long gone to the hospital. And nobody had really spoken of the incident.

Dream and Puffy arrived home, and the first thing Dream did was flop onto the sofa.

"Tired?" Puffy asked putting her stuff down and taking her shoes off.

"No" Dream grumbled, lying as he was clearly exhausted.

"Well no sleeping now, you need to sort you foot out, would you like me to help" Puffy questioned.

Dream bolted up, "Nope no help needed, I got this". 

He stood up with every drop of energy he had left and head to the kitchen. He pulled open the freezer and pulled out a bag of frozen peas. Then turning to one of the cabinets to grab a split and bandages.

Walking back to couch, he took his shoes and socks off and sat back down. He lifted his injured foot, to see the damage. Applying pressure to areas that need it and moving it into the correct position, swearing under his breath at the pain, as he did it.

Puffy watched from the distance as the boy he loved so much endured pain. She walked over and sat next to him, she was only going to be able to help if Dream asked, so instead she figured she'd at least be with him.

It didn't take long for Puffy to notice, that Dream was struggling to bandage his foot all while keeping it in place and holding the splint up. He sat and struggled for 5 minutes, before getting frustrated.

"This stupid..." Dream whispered under his breath.

"Want some help?" Puffy offered again with a smirk on her face knowing for once he was going to have to say yes.

Dream looked at her annoyed that he was going to need the help. Swallowing his pride and taking a deep breath, he nodded his head.

Puffy got up immediately and crouched down to dreams foot to help.

"You hold your foot in place and the splint up, and I'll bandage" Puffy said grabbing the plastic woollen wrap.

Eventually the cast was in place and Dream was able to rest it up on a pillow to ice it.

"Did I scare you?" Dream asked out of the blue.

"Earlier?" Puffy responded from the kitchen, she was working on making dinner.


"I mean, I was more scared of what mess you could have made. Not necessarily you yourself" Puffy explained putting a pan of water on to boil. "If anything I felt a lot safer than I have for a while".

Dream didn't reply, he was stuck in his thoughts. Pulling out his phone to check for any messages. There weren't many, mostly from friends asking if he was all good. He gave the most basic answer and closed off his phone.

The TV was on but the volume not too loud. Ideal for white noise. His head rolled back and relaxed onto the couch. It wasn't often Dream would really relax his while body anywhere but his bedroom. He just didn't have the energy to go somewhere else in the moment.

Sitting in the corner of the couch, his head lay against the pillow to the side of him and his eyes grew heavy. As soon as they closed he was out, like a light.

Puffy was blabbering in the kitchen, to what she thought was and awake Dream. Only when she asked him a question and didn't get an answer, did she go check on him.

There he was almost hugging the side of the sofa, foot lifted and sleeping. Something Puffy never thought she would see. She grabbed the couch blanket and lay it across him, enjoying the chance to properly take care of Dream.

She pulled out her phone to take a picture. She had sent it to Phil to let him know he was doing better.

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