Start from the beginning

Once Victoria replied to the girl, she was pulling back slowly and placing a kiss on her cheek. I saw the girl flustered, you can see a rosy tint on her face.

I chuckled slightly wanting to know what Victoria said to the girl.

Then out of nowhere, I saw Victoria smashing her lips on to the girls lips. I was in shock. I've never seen her like this. It was attractive to say the least, though I still felt that agonizing feeling. It was weird seeing Victoria like this since she hasn't shown the boys or even me this type of behavior.

The more they were kissing the more I didn't like it. Maybe I was jealous. But from what I knew is that I didn't like it. Not that I can control on what Victoria does, but some part of me wanted it to be me. Though that might be because Victoria hasn't fallen for my charm immediately, rather than other girls I've met.

But how much I wanted to be me kissing Victoria rather than that girl. I would never admit to it though.

'Shit, snap out to it Tom. It's fucking Victoria Moretti.' I thought to myself.

I started focusing more on the way Victoria's lips were moving with the girls lips. The way they were connected, the amount of breath they wasted because of this kiss. She would've looked better with me.

Okay, maybe I'll admit. I'm jealous. But it'll come and go. Right?

I was staring hard at them, mostly Victoria, well my focus was only on Victoria, I could care less about the girl.

They let go of each others lips, Victoria having her lips parted just a bit, though from what I can see the girls lips were open trying to take in much air as she can.

They started speaking again, but that was shortly stopped when Victoria crashed her lips on the girls lips. Again.

I was continuing staring at them, that was when Victoria turned the girl around, so now the girl was leaning on the motorcycle. Victoria opened her eyes still remaining on the girls lips. She was looking around her, I'm guessing she was feeling my hard gaze at her.

Once she connected eyes with her, it felt like a staring contest. It was one of the most attractive things I've seen. Seeing a girl and another girl kissing, but one of them having dark brown eyes staring right at you rather than having her eyes closed and enjoying the kiss. That girl was Victoria.

This shit was lasting way to long. I motioned my two pointer fingers at her, making her come to me. She let go of the girls lips and said something. The girl looked excited. Victoria smirked at her before walking to me.

She raised her eyebrows and nodded towards me in questioning. Though I didn't say anything, that was until she was close enough.

"Yes?" She asked.

"What the fuck were you doing?!" I yelled at her. I couldn't control my emotions anymore I just had to let them out. "The fuck you mean what I was doing? Didn't you see me." She retorted. "Yeah, I saw you kissing that girl. The fuck was that about?" I exclaimed at her.

"Okay and? It was just a kiss it shouldn't concern you in any way." Victoria said. That didn't look like a 'kiss'.

"What did she tell you before you left her?" I asked her, having an idea in mind. "Nothing, she just said she wishes me luck and I hopefully win the race. Why?" She said. "No reason, just curious." I plainly said. "What's her name?" I said. "What's with all of the questions." She stated. "Just tell me her fucking name Victoria." I told her making my voice slightly louder.

"Fine shit," she started, "her name is Eleanor." She said. Eleanor was her name.

I hadn't even noticed I had a smirk on my face but that was until Victoria mentioned it. "Why do you have a smirk on your face?" She asked me, with her arms crossed over her chest, her eyebrows up in a certain why that a mother would do when you did something bad and didn't admit to it.

"Don't worry about it Victoria." I said, not giving it a another second on what I'm about to do to this so called Eleanor.

"Tom." She said sternly. "Tell me." Victoria demanded. I leaned to her, wanted to tell her something, but she backed away. I took one step forwards, she took one step back. I did it again, she did it again.

"I'm not gonna bite you, I just wanna tell you something." I said to her. She stopped walking, a small "oh" fell from her lips. I got close to her, my cheek brushing hers. "Don't worry about it darling." I whispered in her ear. I saw her tense up, the cheek that was once relaxed, it was now flexed.

I pulled away from her giving her a small kiss on the cheek just like she did to Eleanor.

Once I was fully backed up, I saw the tiniest bit of pink on her cheeks. The speaker came spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen may the race start in five minutes for the ones who are racing in cars. I repeated, only the racers that are in cars are going up in five minutes."

I decided to use those five minutes to let Victoria process what I've had done, and in the meantime I'll check up on my car.

I turned to look.

"Bye darling."

THE EYES | TOM KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now