"Why would you.." he says almost disappointed before forgetting about it and asking his next question, which wasn't any less stupid than this one, it was more stupid if anything.

The whole ride was filled with his sassy gasps, Maya sleeping and the occasional glare from Olive.... On any joke...dirty joke... I made.

Some chatter between Mason ans Celine on the go but it was a ride filled with zero awkward silence.

I slept the another hour after that before switching seats with Louis to drive at a gas station.

I look through the mirror to see Olive whisper something to him which makes his blush making me roll my eyes. So she'll flirt with anyone but me. Wait....was she flirting with him? Was he flirting back?

She had a smirk on her face which soon changed into a smile while his face remains heated up as he closes his eyes with his head against the window.


"Chill out, they aren't flirting" Mays says sleepily from beside me before yawning her eyes open and turning up the radio' s volume.

"Whys she mad at you again?" She asks and I shrug.

"When is she not?"

"Well... you kind of did fuck up so you do deserve the random bursts of madness- nothing a little groveling can't help. The cabin is three rooms, you're sharing with her" she says sternly and I chuckle.

"What about you then? Weren't you sharing with Olive?"

"Well yeah- but I can just share with Celine"

"You know I can hear the two of you from back here" we hear Olive's voice as she pushes Louis ti the side and comes through the middle.

"Hear what?" He asks confused from behind Maya and she just laughs.

God, she's lost her mind too.

"I'm hungry" Mason shouts from the back and is soon followed by a loud grumble in his stomach as Maya lowers the radio.

"We're like, 15 minutes away" Olive says, looking at the map before turning to smack Louis' head when he tries to come through the middle instead.

"It's my place" she says and he frowns.

"I'm older"

"No you're not, we're the same age" she says and he grumbles in defeat before speaking up again.

"You look no where over 21" he says shocked and I glance to see her look at him before moving back. "You can have my seat"

"Seriously? All it took was him saying you look younger?" I frown at them and she shrugs.

"It's called being nice, you should try it sometimes" she says and I scoff.

"You're the last person to talk about being nice" Mason says from behind with a snicker, earning a laugh from me and glare from Olive.

"Celine, you're awfully quiet" Maya says, turning back on her seat and putting her feet up with no belt.

Oh, she's definitely dying.

"Are you alright?" Louis follows and I hear a small hum before she talks.

"It's just new for me to be away from my work for so long, I appreciate Mr.Hayes for offering a getaway."

"Oh please, I think we're past the formalities, you call Mason- Mason. Just call me Miles"

"He's younger."

"Younger? How old are you?" Ok. Bad decision.

That question earns me a smack from Olive. "You never ask that to a girl"

"I'm driving, god dammit" I hiss but feel her rub the back of my head apologetically.

"It's fine" Celine chuckles. "I'm 27"

"27? So that makes me younger as well, see?"

"I mean, yes. But you give off that, older, more authoritative vibe, Mr Ha- Miles"

"See, that wasn't so hard. And being authoritative is kind of my job" 

"What would you do, if you found a dead body?" Mason suddenly asks. "Oh, oh, even better, what would you do if you find a dead body with your friend that you know they killed"

"Do you have a dead body?" Louis asks him but gets a sorrowful, "I wish" from Mason.

"We'll find you one" what the fuck?

"I think that's enough questions for today, Mason" Celine speaks up and surprisingly... he actually listens and the remaining 5 minutes go by without a single question in comfortable silence.

"We're here" 


So like...I know its late... VERY LATE. But in my defense this chapter was written and ready to go.

I opened up wattpad to upload the next chapter only to realize this one wasn't posted... please forgive me my childs.

So I'll post this right now and then the next chapter in the evening so we get a double update, possibly a triple update if I can but yeah.

Anyway- constructive criticism is always welcome and CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who got a chance to participate in the wattys and got shortlisted.

I wish you well but even if you didn't get listed, like me, don't lose hope. You did your best and I'm sure it'll just help you grow into a better writer.

Youtube: sharmeensdiary

Mwah, bye bye.

If you want to post anything on TikTok or wherever about be my valentine? please tag me:

Justabrownie.e on Instagram and TikTok
Justabrownie_e on Twitter

Thank you for reading my weekly rant and follow my socials to get more sneak peaks of future projects and chapters!

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Be My Valentine?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora