"Hmmm, what to do with a pretty little thing like you? You're too small to take on my champion. Perhaps, I can make you one of my personal servants." He winks.

"In your dreams, buddy." Rhi conjures one of her knives and starts to lunge at the man but 142 manages to stop Rhi before she reaches him.

"Perhaps a little too feisty." The man says as he points his staff at Rhi.

Loki quickly jumps in between them. "Grandmaster, allow me to take her off your hands. I'm sure she'll make a good little pet for me." He smiles mischievously.

Rhi glares at him. "Good little pet!?"

"I just saved your life, you can thank me later."

"Oh, I'll thank you alright."

The Grandmaster eyes them suspiciously but waves them off. "Very well."

Loki grabs Rhi by the arm and pulls her away to his room.

Once the door is shut, Rhi pulls out of his grasp. "If you think I'm going to be your "good little pet" and have sex with you, you're out of your damn mind."

"It was that, or he was going to use his melting stick on you."

"Is that what that was?"

Loki nods. "All he has to do is touch you with the orb and it will melt you away."

Rhi scrunches her face "Ew." 

"Wait til you smell it."

"What does a melted person smell like?"

Loki thinks to himself for a moment. "Kinda like burnt toast."

They both laugh and stand in awkward silence for a bit.

"So, are you and the Grandmaster...like together? It's not that I care, or anything...because I don't!" She quickly adds when Loki doesn't answer right away. "We're not together anymore, so you can sleep with who ever you want...I know I did. And I'm of course not judging you or anything. I was just curious is all."

He chuckles at her nervous ranting. "No we're not together."


They have another awkward silence.

"How long have you been here?" Rhi finally asks.

"A couple of weeks, I think."

"Really? But you only got knocked out of the Bifrost a few seconds before me."

"Time flows a lot differently here."

"So then we still might have a chance..."

"For what?" Loki questions

"To find Thor and stop Hela."

"You're not seriously thinking of going back, are you?" Rhi just looks at him with a glare. "My sister destroyed Thor's hammer, like a piece of glass. Even with the mind stones power, she's stronger than the both of us." Rhi still doesn't say anything and continues to glare at him. "Say something!"

"What do you want me to say, Loki? You abandoned me...again. You faked your death, stole the throne, stripped Odin of his power, then stranded him on Earth to die, and released the Goddess of Death. Should I go back even further? Ok let's."

Her eyes now streaming with tears as she continues with her rant. "I risked everything for you, because I could see the real you. The Loki, who is kind, compassionate, intelligent, strong, a master at magic, a friend, a leader, and even a lover. Not the monstrous soulless villain, everyone thinks you are!"

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now