S1 E3: The Krakken

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(A bright moon is lighting up the foggy forest below. A large lake, surrounded by trees and mist, stays undisturbed.)

Ben: "Cannonball! (Jumping into the lake, making a large splash.)

(Ben pops up back to the surface.)

Ben: ""Judges score... yes! Perfect 10! Yeah! The crowd loves him!""

Gwen: ""A perfect dweeb" is more like it."

Ben: "Come on, dive in!"

Gwen: "...Please! Who knows what nasty, slimy things are slithering around in there."

(Gwen shines a torch around the lake's surface to illustrate her point, landing the torch on Ben.)

Gwen: "I rest my case."

(Zack then walks up next to Gwen wearing his swimming trunks. Gwen almost has a nosebleed when seeing her crush shirtless.)

Zack: "Come on, Gwen. It'll be fun."

(Zack gives Gwen a warm smile before jumping into the lake. Gwen then weighs the pros and cons of swimming in the lake.)

Gwen: [thinking] "Cons: Ben, grossness, and who knows what else. Pros: My shirtless and hot future boyfriend... Meh, it's worth it."

(Gwen quickly runs back to the Rust Bucket and returns a moment later with her bathing suit, as well.)

Ben: "I guess you're not such a dweeb after all."

(Gwen is still hesitant to get in the water.)

Zack: [swims to the end of the dock, looking up at Gwen.] "Come on, Gwen. Just jump, I got you. I won't let anything happen to you."

(Gwen sits at the end of the dock and slips down into the water. Then she was caught in Zack's arms, as the two were holding each other and smiling close in a romantic moment...until it's broken by Ben splashing the both of them. As Ben is laughing at the duo, Zack and Gwen look at each other with evil grins and then they retaliate by slashing Ben, which soon becomes a slash fight between the three children. However, their fun was cut short when an enormous sea creature raises from the lake.)

Zack: "Whoa! Now, that's a HUGE problem!"

Ben: [nods] "Literally."

Gwen: "Swim for it!"

(The trio race for the shore. When they reach dry land, the trio look back at the lake to see the sea creature is gone. As if it was never there, Gwen is seen hugging Zack out of pure fear while Zack was comforting her.)

(The kids and Max are walking along a boardwalk, all the while the kids are trying to convince Max about what they saw.)

Gwen: "It's true, Grandpa! We really saw it!"

Ben: "It was enormous!"

Zack: "If only I had a camera, you would believe us! It was humongous with these red glowing eyes and-"

Max: "I'm sure it was just some kind of big fish you three saw, that's all."

(The trio sulked in defeat. When they reach the boat, Gwen sees a bucket of worms and gags.)

Gwen: "What's with the bucket of slimies?"

Max: "Bait."

Gwen: "Yeah- Well, I think I'm gonna pass on the fishing thing, I'll stay here and catch some sun instead!"

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