CAR Level

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I leave the house at 7pm, Babe and I were sitting in his bedroom after he ate his dinner and had his medication. He fell asleep and I left him a note saying that I am leaving. I took some left over food for Miso when he arrives. I take a bath and get dressed in sleepwear. Miso calls me saying he is outside. I open the door and find him with his very pregnant girlfriend.
“Sissy.” Miso crushes into me, giving me a tight hug and I cry.
“I am here, everything is going to be okay. Your brother is here.” Miso pats my back.
“How rude, please come in. Makoti, you are making my baby travel at night.” I move away from Miso and give her a hug.
“Hey Aunty, where is your bathroom?” Okuhle.
“This way, are you guys hungry? I got food in the fridge.”  I ask showing her the bathroom, then I tell Miso to take their bags to Momo’s room. I forgot about the gift told me about. He put a basket with snacks and a Teddy bear. With a card. Written :“My personal angel. I got you a bed mate and snacks while you wait. Check the fridge. Your hubby. ”I laugh reading and run to the kitchen, he got me chocolate flavoured ice cream. Miso joins me and he warms up the food.
“Do your people know that Okuhle is here with you?”
“Yes, I paid a deposit for her and I will finish up everything in December, remember we can’t slaughter while she is pregnant.” Miso.
“Okay, how is your family?”
“Your father was asking about you. He asked for your numbers, I told him. You would call him if you wanted. Everyone else is good. Sebe has a baby.”
“Hai, he must rest. Sebe’s womb must be taken. 3 kids at 28. ”
“You sound like her, NnaNkosi.”Miso breaks into laughter. I take our drinks to the coffee table, he follows me with their food.
“How are you Okuhle?”
“I’m tired and excited about the baby, I got a job interview, your brother doesn’t want me to go because they said I will get more money but my maternity leave will be shorter.” Okuhle.
“What’s the upside?”
“More money, being this side with him and we can get a nappy or day care.” Okuhle.
“What bothers you about this Miso?”
“We don’t have family this side, what happens if they baby gets sick and she has to miss work? What if the nanny isn’t good? ” Miso.
“Your points and concerns are valid. You have me, abo Khensi and the Moreetsi’s as much as I don’t want to bother them, if we get desperate they are available.”
“I don’t want to burden you, you have a lot going on sis.” Miso.
“I appreciate your thoughtfulness, however I am your sister and I know you would do anything for me, I mean you travelled all this way for me. I want you both to know that I am here.”
“Thanks sis, we need to look for a place to rent until we are settled. Make said we cannot stay with you as a married couple for too long.”Okuhle.
“I will help you look. For the time being you could move in with Babe?”
“We will think about it, come and sleep Hle.” Miso.
“Good night.” I wait for them to go to bed and check my phone. Pheko hasn’t called or texted yet. I switch off the lights and go to bed. My phone vibrates at 2am.
“Motho waka, how are you?” Pheko.
“I am well my love. Did you travel safely?”
“Yes, I did. I am sorry for getting this late. I will not be available tomorrow morning, we are going dark. We are coming back in 48 hours, has your brother arrived?” Pheko, I feel cold all of a sudden.
“I was watching the news and it says, things are bad that side. Please be safe.”
“I know, we also got delayed at the airport. But they promised us an easy evacuation.” Pheko.
“Nothing is ever easy Pheko.”
“I promise you, I will do everything in my power to be safe.” Pheko.
“I love you okay. I am praying for you.”
“I love you most.” Pheko.
The week goes by very slow. I go to work, then pick up Miso and Okuhle from my house, they stay with him during the day to help Aunty. We leave after dinner, I haven’t heard from Pheko and the news causes me anxiety and nausea. It is Friday evening we are on our way to the house. Bab’Ben and his wife are sleeping over at Babe’s, they said I should rest. Miso starts cooking, I take a bath and wait for the food while watching a movie with Okuhle. “Noma, your phone.” Okuhle calls out.
“Mrs Moreetsi, You are speaking to Major Jones, I am calling you from CAR, level 2 hospital in Bangui.” My heart drops to my feet. I clear my throat.
“Ma’am, there was an explosion and a lot of fatalities. We are still receiving patients, your husband was one of the injured personnel.” She blurbs.
“Jones, Jones.” I call out to stop her from speaking.
“How bad is my husband?”
“I’m sorry ma’am, at this moment I can not say much. He was taken to a level 3 hospital.”
“So you called me to tell me what exactly?”
“Uhm, that your husband has been injured. We will contact you with further information.” She answers.
“Further information, you called me to stress me and only saying later? Who is in charge?” I snap.
“Mrs Moreetsi, I apologize, you don’t need to be angry, I understand that this is upsetting to you…”
“Jones, my husband could be dead from what you told me and now you are saying I am angry, get me whoever who is in charge.” She hangs, I am upset. I get up from the couch and start pacing, calling Bhuti.
“Bhuti, who is in charge of this operation?”
“Sesi, what is wrong?” Morris.
“Jones called saying Pheko is injured, and that she would get back to me.” I break down and cry. Miso takes the phone from me and he helps me down. I don’t hear what he says but Okuhle gives me as glass of water, my shaky hands spill some of the water. Miso holds the glass for me.
“I, I am okay. Thanks.”
“Morris, is on his way with his mother.” Miso.I nod my head and try Oheko’s phone, which takes me to voice mail again. I wish Babe was in his right state.

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