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*knock, knock* “Pheko open the door.”
Mrs Moreetsi wakes us up the following morning. She knocked earlier and Pheko said we must ignore her. He gets out of bed and gives me my gown while putting on his.
“Ausi Keke, so early.” Pheko greets. His mother pushes him out of the way and she then walks in with a tray that has a tea pot and bowl.
“Rego, how are you feeling my baby?” Mrs Moreetsi asks placing the tray on my thighs.
“I am much better mama, my throat feels scratchy but we will get a spray later. Thanks for the food.”
“Your voice sounds like you have a cold. Send me a picture of the spray, I’ll send someone to buy for us. I called your aunt and she explained your allergies.” She remorsefully says.
“We told you.” Pheko.”
“I was talking to my daughter, dinko tsa masoba.” Pheko and I laugh.
“If you tell me that you are marrying someone and she comes home swollen what must I think? Let me go, a mother in law isn’t supposed to be in your bedroom. I wanted to make sure that you are okay.” Mrs Moreetsi.
“Thank you mama, where is Gomo?”
“They went to the plot, he will come back for lunch. Pheko, come get your food.” She walks out with Pheko. I go to the bathroom, my eyes are swollen and so are my lips. I brush my teeth then eat my porridge. “I am sorry about last night.” Pheko.
“I am good, I had a good time.”
“I found out that they marinated the meat together.” Pheko.
“Ngane ka Keke, it’s an honest mistake. You need to learn to administer the epi pan though.” I laugh remembering how panicked he looked.
“I didn’t even know you had that thing, Remoratile really saved us.” Pheko.
“She did, thank you for making me comfortable. I know this is hard for you as well. Being stuck with someone you don’t love, I owe you my life and I promise not to cause problems for you,when we get back and you want your girlfriend to visit, let me know and I will go home or book a hotel room. We can also work on your baecations for the year.”
“Adrenaline does cause the blood to quickly go to your head, which explains your mumbling. Are you up for a visit or do you want to rest?” Pheko ignores my suggestion.
“Who are we visiting?”
“My aunt, she couldn’t come to the wedding. She has a new baby.” Pheko.
“Okay, I need to bath. Do you need ironing?”
He says no and then asks if I need anything to be ironed. I take out my denim above the knee dress, he takes it while I bath. The bed is made and my dress is on the bed with underwear and socks. I feel embarrassed, he touched my panties. He opened my bag, he saw the condoms aunt Hlau, packed in my bag. She says, one must not fall pregnant in the first month of marriage. I quickly dress up and fix my hair. Pheko walks in dressed in denim shorts and white golf shirt. He compliments me, making me blush at the thought of him knowing the underwear I have on. We go to greet his mother who gives us a bag with goodies for her sister.
“Pheko, no beef.” Mrs Moreetsi.
“Yho, Keke. One mistake only.” Pheko throws his hands in the air, his mother laughs.
“Mama, please stop, my husband isn’t trying to kill me yet, check us after the 6 months waiting period.” I tease laughing, his mother joins me.“Wow,because I don’t have a father I am attacked.” Pheko laughs.
“See you later mama.” I greet following Pheko to the car. He gives me permission to play my music. We drive to Klerksdorp, khuma.
“My official, North West tour.”
“I did promise to keep travelling with you.” Pheko smiles.
“And here I was thinking, it was all for the show.”He ignores my statement and sings along to the song that is playing. He parks in front of a brown gate. He opens my door and takes out the food container and plastic bag. “ You have your meds?” Pheko.
“It’s in the car.”He nods and he opens the gate then drives in, I exit the car first. Staying close to him, he knocks and his mother opens the door. “Pheko yaka, what a lovely surprise. You naughty boy.” I frown, her voice changed. She had braids on when we left.
“Mama, meet my wife Regomoditswe. Love this is ausi Koketso, mama’s twin.” Pheko.
Now it makes sense, they are identical twins. “ I thought my mind was playing tricks on me.” I shake her hand.
“You are a beautiful girl, come inside. Please apply this on your hands, Pheko I hope you are clean.” She raises her brows. Pheko and I laugh understanding her.
“You have nothing to worry about, did ausi Keke not call you last night?” Pheko asks boing the kettle. His aunt leads me to the dinning room, it’s a four roomed house.
“Dipuo, come this side. Its your brother.” His aunt calls.
“Why is she hiding?” Pheko.
“We thought it was outsiders, remember babies are not to be seen by everyone. Why would Keke call me?” she asks lowering the volume.
“You nearly had to bail me out, Rego had an allergic reaction to the meat, when we got home she was swollen. Keke thought I beat her up.” Pheko laughs. The girl comes to the door carrying a baby, she settles next to me and places the baby on the couch between us.
“Abuti waka, sesi, how are you?” she gives Pheko a hug and I also stand for a hug.
“You are so beautiful, what’s your skin care routine?” she asks.
“I don’t have one.”
“No ways, you can’t look this gorgeous beautiful without.” Dipuo.
“Dipuo, leave my wife alone. Bring that Zulu boy here let me see him.” Pheko.
Dipuo gives him the baby and she makes us tea with biscuits. Pheko plays with the baby. “Do you eat chicken?” His aunt asks from the door.
“Yes and pork. But if you made beef then I can have scones again. Don’t stress.”
“I made chicken feet, gizzards and intestines. I’m preparing for supper.” His aunt disappears. I frown at Pheko, he shakes his head. The baby cries and I pick him up, his mother went outside to take out his laundry. “This one loves attention.” Aunt Koki says. Placing food on the table. “Thank you. His not bad, my cousins children hated being put down.” We eat lunch and I wash the dishes afterwards. Pheko and I take a walk to the store to buy coldrinks.

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